10 October 2008 Time series analysis of SAR interferometry derived DEM of Kuwait desert to reduce the affects of atmosphere
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Proceedings Volume 7109, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XIV; 71091F (2008)
Event: SPIE Remote Sensing, 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Twenty five ASAR scenes are analyzed to find the suitable pairs for generating DEM of Kuwait desert area. About 40 pairs are suitable for generating DEMs. A unique combination of seven DEM are possible with a single master image whose perpendicular baseline component varies between 233 to 393m. GAMMA inerferometric package coupled with ERDAS image processing package are used in the analysis. The seven DEMs are compared with the 90 m DEM derived from SRTM. It has been found that the RMS error varies from 1.9 m to 15.3 m. The highest RMS error refers to day-difference of 525 days with average coherence value of 0.71 (lowest of all). Therefore, correlation will be the cause of higher errors. However, 35 days day-difference pair gave RMS error of 5.5 m with highest coherence value (0.93) which is supposed to produce the lowest RMS error. For the study of spatial distribution of errors, Interferometric DEMs are subtracted from DEM of SRTM. From this analysis, it is observed that the atmospheric affects are aligned and varies systematically. It can give an error in elevation as high as 15 m. Therefore, one should be very careful in using SAR interfoermetry technology for DEM generation even for desert regions.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
K. S. Rao and H. K. Al Jassar "Time series analysis of SAR interferometry derived DEM of Kuwait desert to reduce the affects of atmosphere", Proc. SPIE 7109, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XIV, 71091F (10 October 2008);
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Synthetic aperture radar

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar

Image processing

Coherence (optics)

Phase interferometry

Time series analysis


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