9 February 2009 The role of finite spatial beam profiles on photo-luminescence and laser cooling in GaAs structures
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We present a microscopic many-body theory of optical refrigeration of semiconductors with nite spatial beam prole extension. The theory is an extension of our previous theory of optical refrigeration of GaAs, which had been limited to spatially homogeneous systems. In it, optically excited electron-hole pairs can be an unbound pairs, or pairs bound by the attractive Coulomb interaction (excitons). Assuming the electron-hole pairs to be in quasi-thermal equilibrium, our theory calculates its absorption and luminescence spectra within a diagrammatic (real-time) Green's function approach at the self-consistent T-matrix level. The present extension to lateral spatial inhomogeneities due to nite beam spot size utilizes a photon transport equation which is based on a diagrammatic formulation of Maxwell's equations for photon correlation functions. Assuming only radial ux for simplicity, and analytical solution for the pair density and power density rate equations is obtained, and numerical self-consistent solutions are presented. The results show that for typical beam waist parameters, lateral (radial) photon transport does not signicantly impede the theoretically predicted cooling process.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
G. Rupper, N. H. Kwong, and R. Binder "The role of finite spatial beam profiles on photo-luminescence and laser cooling in GaAs structures", Proc. SPIE 7228, Laser Refrigeration of Solids II, 722805 (9 February 2009); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Gallium arsenide

Photon transport


Current controlled current source



Maxwell's equations


Optical nonlinearities in semiconductors
Proceedings of SPIE (November 12 1999)
Optical nonlinearities in semiconductors
Proceedings of SPIE (November 11 1999)
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