17 February 2011 The effects of photobiomodulation on healing of bone defects in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
Maíra D. Martinez Costa Lino, Fabíola Bastos de Carvalho, Michel Ferreira Moraes, José Augusto Cardoso, Antônio L. Barbosa Pinheiro, Luciana Maria Pedreira Ramalho
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Proceedings Volume 7887, Mechanisms for Low-Light Therapy VI; 78870G (2011)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2011, San Francisco, California, United States
Previous studies have shown positive effects of Low level laser therapy (LLLT) on the repair of bone defects, but there are only a few that associates bone healing in the presence of a metabolic disorder as Diabetes Melitus and LLLT. The aim of this study was to assess histologically the effect of LLLT (AsGaAl), 780nm, 70mW, CW, Ø~0.4mm, 16J/cm2 per session) on the repair of surgical defects created in the femur of diabetic and non-diabetic Wistar Albinus rats. Surgical bone defects were created in 60 animals divided into four groups of 15 animals each: Group C (non-diabetic - control); Group CL (non-diabetic + LLLT); Group CD (diabetic); Group CDL (diabetic + LLLT). The animals on the irradiated group received 16 J/cm2 per session divided into four points around the defect, being the first irradiation immediately after surgery and repeated every 48h for 14 days. The animals were killed 15, 21 and 30 days after surgery. The results of the present investigation showed histological evidence of improved amount of collagen fibers at early stages of the bone healing (15 days) and increased amount of well organized bone trabeculae at the end of the experimental period (30 days) on irradiated animals, (diabetic and non-diabetic) compared to non irradiated ones. It is concluded that LLLT has a positive biomodulative effect on the healing process of bone defects, even when diabetes mellitus was present.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maíra D. Martinez Costa Lino, Fabíola Bastos de Carvalho, Michel Ferreira Moraes, José Augusto Cardoso, Antônio L. Barbosa Pinheiro, and Luciana Maria Pedreira Ramalho "The effects of photobiomodulation on healing of bone defects in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats", Proc. SPIE 7887, Mechanisms for Low-Light Therapy VI, 78870G (17 February 2011); Logo
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