2 June 2011 In vitro analysis of low-level laser irradiation on human osteoblast-like cells proliferation
Nora Bloise, Enrica Saino, Francesca Bragheri, Paolo Minzioni, Ilaria Cristiani, Marcello Imbriani, Livia Visai
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The objective of this study was to examine the in vitro effect of a single or a multiple doses of low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) on proliferation of the human osteosarcoma cell line, SAOS-2. SAOS-2 cells were divided in five groups and exposed to LLLI (659 nm diode laser; 11 mW power output): group I as a control (dark), group II exposed to a single laser dose of 1 J/cm2, group III irradiated with a single dose of 3 J/cm2, and group IV and V exposed for three consecutive days to 1 or 3 J/cm², respectively. Cellular proliferation was assessed daily up to 7 days of culturing. The obtained results showed an increase in proliferative capacity of SAOS-2 cells during the first 96 h of culturing time in once-irradiated cells, as compared to control cells. Furthermore, a significantly higher proliferation in the group IV and V was detected if compared to a single dose or to control group after 96 h and 7 days. In conclusion, the effect of the single dose on cell proliferation was transitory and repeated irradiations were necessary to observe a strong enhancement of SAOS-2 growth. As a future perspective, we would like to determine the potential of LLLI as a new approach for promoting bone regeneration onto biomaterials.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nora Bloise, Enrica Saino, Francesca Bragheri, Paolo Minzioni, Ilaria Cristiani, Marcello Imbriani, and Livia Visai "In vitro analysis of low-level laser irradiation on human osteoblast-like cells proliferation", Proc. SPIE 8092, Medical Laser Applications and Laser-Tissue Interactions V, 80920U (2 June 2011);
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Laser irradiation

In vitro testing

Semiconductor lasers


Scanning electron microscopy

Laser therapeutics

Carbon dioxide


Healing of bone in the rat following surgery with the...
Proceedings of SPIE (December 05 1996)
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