23 October 2012 Projected performance of an enhanced VIIRS with spectral bands near 6.7 μm for measuring water vapor distribution
Jeffery J. Puschell, Stephen J. Herbst
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The Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is the next-generation imaging spectroradiometer for the NOAA/NASA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). Flight unit 1 (F1) was successfully launched onboard the Suomi NPP spacecraft in 2011. Measured performance shows that VIIRS F1 offers important new capabilities for a wide range of weather and Earth science applications. VIIRS replaces four different sensors with a single instrument built into a flight proven rotating telescope scene scanning architecture first used in the highly successful SeaWiFS ocean color imager starting in the 1990s. This flexible VIIRS architecture can be adapted and enhanced to respond to a wide range of requirements and to incorporate new technology as it becomes available. Possible VIIRS improvements include adding water vapor and temperature sounding bands, improving spatial resolution near nadir by transmitting all unaggregated data to Earth thus avoiding aggregation of saturated or corrupted pixels with good measurements and improving sensitivity especially at the longest wavelength bands by replacing the passive radiative cooler with an active mechanical cooler. This paper extends previous work that showed that the VIIRS design can accommodate adding three water vapor bands by describing an even simpler modification to VIIRS that would involve replacing one of the current VIIRS spectral bands with a single water vapor band. Two cases are considered. The first involves replacing a redundant spectral filter and associated microlenses for the VIIRS M16 band at 12.0 μm with a water vapor band filter and microlenses based on MODIS Band 27 (MB27) at 6.7 μm, while making no changes to the detector material or ROIC. The second case involves making the same spectral filter and microlens replacements, while also improving optimization of the detector material and ROIC for operation at MB27. Expected radiometric sensitivity performance of MB27 in VIIRS is excellent in both cases and compares favorably with flight performance in the corresponding band operating today in MODIS for the optimized performance case.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeffery J. Puschell and Stephen J. Herbst "Projected performance of an enhanced VIIRS with spectral bands near 6.7 μm for measuring water vapor distribution", Proc. SPIE 8516, Remote Sensing System Engineering IV, 851604 (23 October 2012);
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