1 April 2013 Study of EUV outgassing spatial distribution toward witness plate in the EUV outgas tester
Yukiko Kikuchi, Eishi Shiobara, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Isamu Takagi, Kazuhiro Katayama, Norihiko Sugie, Toshiya Takahashi, Soichi Inoue, Takeo Watanabe, Tetsuo Harada, Hiroo Kinoshita
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In the experiments to evaluate outgassing of EUV resists, it was found that the amount of PAG anion and/or Fluorine observed on the witness sample (WS) was different for the variety of WS location and direction in the testing chamber. The XPS measurements showed there were about 10 times of Fluorine atoms on the WS which were put to face the exposing position of the resist on the wafer compared to that were put to turn the back on the wafer. As the Fluorine is the component of photo-acid-generator (PAG) of resists used in the experiments, it is thought that the PAG anion and/or its decomposed species have high sticking coefficient to the WS. The simulation was performed to understand the directivity of outgassing from the exposing point, using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. The results indicated that the sticking coefficient of PAG anion is about 0.8, suggesting that the position and direction of WS in the chamber relative to the wafer strongly affects the amounts of deposition of the species having big sticking coefficients.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yukiko Kikuchi, Eishi Shiobara, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Isamu Takagi, Kazuhiro Katayama, Norihiko Sugie, Toshiya Takahashi, Soichi Inoue, Takeo Watanabe, Tetsuo Harada, and Hiroo Kinoshita "Study of EUV outgassing spatial distribution toward witness plate in the EUV outgas tester", Proc. SPIE 8679, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography IV, 86790M (1 April 2013); Logo
Cited by 11 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Semiconducting wafers

Extreme ultraviolet

Monte Carlo methods


Extreme ultraviolet lithography



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