10 April 2014 In situ phase change characterization of PVDF thin films using Raman spectroscopy
Miranda T. Riosbaas, Kenneth J. Loh, Greg O'Bryan, Bryan R. Loyola
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A process for the design and optimization of a morphing aileron using flexible matrix composite (FMC) actuators is developed. Design requirements were based on the use of a morphing aileron with an existing medium size commercial transport aircraft limiting the planform to the existing conventional aileron. The design uses two sets of contracting FMC actuators operating independently to actuate the deformable aileron in both trailing edge up and down cases while matching coefficient of lift values of a conventional aileron. The design was optimized by developing a series of response models which were then used to understand the sensitivity to material, geometric and loading design variables while minimizing required force from the FMC actuators. Using a combination of response models and sequential quadratic programming algorithm, a design is chosen that matched the conventional ailerons performance at multiple flight conditions.
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Miranda T. Riosbaas, Kenneth J. Loh, Greg O'Bryan, and Bryan R. Loyola "In situ phase change characterization of PVDF thin films using Raman spectroscopy", Proc. SPIE 9061, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2014, 90610Z (10 April 2014); Logo
Cited by 13 scholarly publications.
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Raman spectroscopy

Ferroelectric polymers

Thin films

Digital image correlation

Chemical species


Light scattering


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