10 March 2015 Investigation of the best model to characterize diffuse correlation spectroscopy measurements acquired directly on the brain
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Diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) is a non-invasive optical technique capable of monitoring tissue perfusion changes, particularly in the brain. The normalized temporal intensity autocorrelation function generated by DCS is typically characterized by assuming that the movement of erythrocytes can be modeled as a Brownian diffusion-like process instead of the expected random flow model. Carp et al. [Biomedical Optics Express, 2011] proposed a hybrid model, referred to as the hydrodynamic diffusion model, to capture both the random ballistic and diffusive nature of erythrocyte motion. The purpose of this study was to compare how well the Brownian diffusion and the hydrodynamic diffusion models characterized DCS data acquired directly on the brain, avoiding the confounding effects of scalp and skull. Data were acquired from seven pigs during normocapnia (39.9 ± 0.7 mmHg) and hypocapnia (22.1 ± 1.6 mmHg) with the DCS fibers placed 7 mm apart, directly on the cerebral cortex. The hydrodynamic diffusion model was found to provide a consistently better fit to the autocorrelation functions compared to the Brownian diffusion model and was less sensitive to the chosen start and end time points used in the fitting. However, the decrease in cerebral blood flow from normocapnia to hypocapnia determined was similar for the two models (-42.6 ± 8.6 % for the Brownian model and -42.2 ± 10.2 % for the hydrodynamic model), suggesting that the latter is reasonable for monitoring flow changes.
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K. Verdecchia, M. Diop, and K. St. Lawrence "Investigation of the best model to characterize diffuse correlation spectroscopy measurements acquired directly on the brain", Proc. SPIE 9333, Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering IX, 93330E (10 March 2015); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Data modeling


Motion models



Tissue optics

Blood circulation

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