14 May 2015 Development of feature extraction analysis for a multi-functional optical profiling device applied to field engineering applications
Xu Han, Guangping Xie, Brandon Laflen, Ming Jia, Guiju Song, Kevin G. Harding
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In the real application environment of field engineering, a large variety of metrology tools are required by the technician to inspect part profile features. However, some of these tools are burdensome and only address a sole application or measurement. In other cases, standard tools lack the capability of accessing irregular profile features. Customers of field engineering want the next generation metrology devices to have the ability to replace the many current tools with one single device. This paper will describe a method based on the ring optical gage concept to the measurement of numerous kinds of profile features useful for the field technician. The ring optical system is composed of a collimated laser, a conical mirror and a CCD camera. To be useful for a wide range of applications, the ring optical system requires profile feature extraction algorithms and data manipulation directed toward real world applications in field operation. The paper will discuss such practical applications as measuring the non-ideal round hole with both off-centered and oblique axes. The algorithms needed to analyze other features such as measuring the width of gaps, radius of transition fillets, fall of step surfaces, and surface parallelism will also be discussed in this paper. With the assistance of image processing and geometric algorithms, these features can be extracted with a reasonable performance. Tailoring the feature extraction analysis to this specific gage offers the potential for a wider application base beyond simple inner diameter measurements. The paper will present experimental results that are compared with standard gages to prove the performance and feasibility of the analysis in real world field engineering. Potential accuracy improvement methods, a new dual ring design and future work will be discussed at the end of this paper.
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Xu Han, Guangping Xie, Brandon Laflen, Ming Jia, Guiju Song, and Kevin G. Harding "Development of feature extraction analysis for a multi-functional optical profiling device applied to field engineering applications", Proc. SPIE 9489, Dimensional Optical Metrology and Inspection for Practical Applications IV, 948907 (14 May 2015); Logo
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