20 October 2015 ALART: a novel lidar system for vegetation height retrieval from space
P. Foglia Manzillo, C. N. van Dijk, S. Conticello, M. Esposito, R. Lussana, F. Villa, D. Tamborini, F. Zappa, A. Tosi, A. Roncat, N. Pfeiffer, T. Entner, D. Lampridis
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We propose a multi-kHz Single-Photon Counting (SPC) space LIDAR, exploiting low energy pulses with high repetition frequency (PRF). The high PRF allows one to overcome the low signal limitations, as many return shots can be collected from nearly the same scattering area. The ALART space instrument exhibits a multi-beam design, providing height retrieval over a wide area and terrain slope measurements. This novel technique, working with low SNRs, allows multiple beam generation with a single laser, limiting mass and power consumption. As the receiver has a certain probability to detect multiple photons from different levels of canopy, a histogram is constructed and used to retrieve the properties of the target tree, by means of a modal decomposition of the reconstructed waveform. A field demonstrator of the ALART space instrument is currently being developed by a European consortium led by cosine | measurement systems and funded by ESA under the TRP program. The demonstrator requirements have been derived to be representative of the target instrument and it will be tested in an equipped tower in woodland areas in the Netherlands. The employed detectors are state-of-the-art CMOS Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) matrices with 1024 pixels. Each pixel is independently equipped with an integrated Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC), achieving a timing accuracy that is much lower than the SPAD dead time, resulting in a distance resolution in the centimeter range. The instrument emits nanosecond laser pulses with energy on the order of several μJ, at a PRF of ~ 10 kHz, and projects on ground a three-beams pattern. An extensive field measurement campaign will validate the employed technologies and algorithms for vegetation height retrieval.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
P. Foglia Manzillo, C. N. van Dijk, S. Conticello, M. Esposito, R. Lussana, F. Villa, D. Tamborini, F. Zappa, A. Tosi, A. Roncat, N. Pfeiffer, T. Entner, and D. Lampridis "ALART: a novel lidar system for vegetation height retrieval from space", Proc. SPIE 9645, Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing XI, 96450E (20 October 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication and 1 patent.
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