7 March 2016 A novel screen design for anti-ambient light front projection display with angle-selective absorber
Tianju Liao, Weigang Chen, Kebo He, Zhaoyu Zhang
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Proceedings Volume 9770, Advances in Display Technologies VI; 977009 (2016)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2016, San Francisco, California, United States
Ambient light is destructive to the reflective type projection system’s contrast ratio which has great influence on the image quality. In contrast to the conventional front projection, short-throw projection has its advantage to reject the ambient light. Fresnel lens-shaped reflection layer is adapted to direct light from a large angle due to the low lens throw ratio to the viewing area. The structure separates the path of the ambient light and projection light, creating the chance to solve the problem that ambient light is mixed with projection light. However, with solely the lens-shaped reflection layer is not good enough to improve the contrast ratio due to the scattering layer, which contributes a necessarily wide viewing angle, could interfere with both light paths before hitting the layer. So we propose a new design that sets the draft angle surface with absorption layer and adds an angle-selective absorber to separate these two kinds of light. The absorber is designed to fit the direction of the projection light, leading to a small absorption cross section for the projection light and respectfully big absorption cross section for the ambient light. We have calculated the design with Tracepro, a ray tracing program and find a nearly 8 times contrast ratio improvement against the current design in theory. This design can hopefully provide efficient display in bright lit situation with better viewer satisfaction.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tianju Liao, Weigang Chen, Kebo He, and Zhaoyu Zhang "A novel screen design for anti-ambient light front projection display with angle-selective absorber", Proc. SPIE 9770, Advances in Display Technologies VI, 977009 (7 March 2016);
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