The study of biology, from single cells and tissues to complex organisms, has led to many new ideas in science and technology. Engineered biomimicry, comprising bioreplication, bioimitation, and bioinspiration, takes concepts, learns from nature, and applies them in different fields of science and technologies, ranging from new materials and novel devices to complex systems and processes. Eco-manufacturing is essential for humanity to achieve social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Materials and energy are the two most critical manufacturing cost factors, accounting for the most pressing environmental impacts in their extraction, processing, and use. In nature, biological systems produce structures using materials and energy from the surrounding environment. Perhaps the simplest case is plants' production of O2 from CO2 through photosynthesis. More complex natural production resulting in direct market value includes wood production by trees and silk by silkworms. This talk will focus on transforming molecules via bio-inspired processes into bio-inspired materials, devices, and structures at the industrial scale.