28 August 2024 Precise calibration of the brighter-fatter effect in the JWST/NIRISS detector
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Charge migration in infrared detectors such as in JWST leads to a 'brighter-fatter effect', where photoelectrons from bright pixels spill to nearby faint pixels and blur the pixel response function at its finest spatial scales - a limiting noise floor for high angular resolution astronomy. We demonstrate an effective forwards model: a nonlinear convolution predicting the effect on every pixel as a polynomial of the pixels in its neighbourhood, learning the coefficients by gradient descent together with a differentiable model of the point spread function. We apply this to the JWST/NIRISS Aperture Masking Interferometer, inferring an accurate model for the BFE in NIRISS; overcoming the main barrier to precise interferometric observations with JWST; and illustrating a simple path to high-quality BFE calibration in other JWST instruments and infrared detectors in general.
Conference Presentation
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Benjamin J. S. Pope, Louis C. Desdoigts, Peter G. Tuthill, and Dori Blakely "Precise calibration of the brighter-fatter effect in the JWST/NIRISS detector", Proc. SPIE PC13103, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy XI, PC131030K (28 August 2024);
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