28 August 2024 Integrating FPGA and CPU/GPU technologies for enhanced MKIDs readout performance
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Conference Poster
The traditional readout system for Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKID) often utilized Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) for nearly all its digital processing tasks. However, the cost of such FPGA development is high and the design must be conducted carefully to fit the limited FPGA resource. To cope with this challenge, a hybrid readout system emerged as a viable solution, integrating both FPGA and CPU/GPU components. In this configuration, the FPGA handles the hard real-time and high-throughput processing, while a soft CPU/GPU sub-system receives the phase data and executes more sophisticated algorithms. Details of this FPGA firmware and the corresponding CPU/GPU system software developed at Durham University will be presented.
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Deli Geng, David Barr, Kieran S. O'Brien, Aurelie Magniez, Timothy J. Morris, Lisa Bardou, and Sofia Dimoudi "Integrating FPGA and CPU/GPU technologies for enhanced MKIDs readout performance", Proc. SPIE PC13103, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy XI, PC1310310 (28 August 2024);
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