Open Access
1 February 2022 Design, implementation, and qualification of high-performance time and frequency reference for the MeerKAT telescope (Erratum)
Johan Petrus P. Burger, Renier Siebrits, Romeo Reginald Gunther Gamatham, Geomarr van Tonder, Grant Adams, Vereesé van Tonder, Zwivhuya Ramudzuli, Sarah Buchner, Michel Abgrall, Pierre Uhrich, Daniele G. Rovera
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This erratum corrects errors in two figures.

This article [J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 8(1), 011013 (2022)] was originally published with typographical errors in Figs. 3 and 10.

Fig. 3


Fig. 10


In Fig. 3, in the top blue block, an “approximately equal” sign should have been used instead of an equal sign. Additionally, the symbols #I and #J were confused by the authors. Therefore, the text should read Si ≈ (CLOCK- REF) for i = 1 to N instead of Si = (CLOCK #J- REF) for i=1 to N. Later in the same sentence, the text should read “clock #J” instead of “clock #I.” The corrected figure is shown here.

In Fig. 10, the legend for the green line was incorrectly written as the quantity (KGPS(1)C0)CircularT,section4. The symbol C0 is, however, C0 in the paper’s text, and the legend is incompatible with that. Therefore, the figure has been corrected to: (KGPS(1)C0)CircularT,section4. The corrected figure is shown here.

The article was corrected on 21 January 2022.

© 2022 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Johan Petrus P. Burger, Renier Siebrits, Romeo Reginald Gunther Gamatham, Geomarr van Tonder, Grant Adams, Vereesé van Tonder, Zwivhuya Ramudzuli, Sarah Buchner, Michel Abgrall, Pierre Uhrich, and Daniele G. Rovera "Design, implementation, and qualification of high-performance time and frequency reference for the MeerKAT telescope (Erratum)," Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 8(1), 019801 (1 February 2022).
Published: 1 February 2022
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