1 April 2004 Adaptive hybrid mean and median filtering of high-ISO long-exposure sensor noise for digital photography
Tamer F. Rabie
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This paper presents a new methodology for the reduction of sensor noise from images acquired using digital cameras at high-International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and long-exposure settings. The problem lies in the fact that the algorithm must deal with hardware-related noise that affects certain color channels more than others and is thus nonuniform over all color channels. A new adaptive center-weighted hybrid mean and median filter is formulated and used within a novel optimal-size windowing framework to reduce the effects of two types of sensor noise, namely blue-channel noise and JPEG blocking artifacts, common in high-ISO digital camera images. A third type of digital camera noise that affects long-exposure images and causes a type of sensor noise commonly known as "stuck-pixel" noise is dealt with by preprocessing the image with a new stuck-pixel prefilter formulation. Experimental results are presented with an analysis of the performance of the various filters in comparison with other standard noise reduction filters.
©(2004) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Tamer F. Rabie "Adaptive hybrid mean and median filtering of high-ISO long-exposure sensor noise for digital photography," Journal of Electronic Imaging 13(2), (1 April 2004). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1668279
Published: 1 April 2004
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Image filtering

Digital filtering

Optical filters

Digital cameras


Nonlinear filtering

RGB color model


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