20 September 2023 Blockchain-based authenticable (k,n) multi-secret image sharing scheme
Puja Sarkar, Amitava Nag, Jyoti Prakash Singh
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We aim to devise a technique to share k number of secret images to n number of participants with ( nk ) in such a way that only k or more participants can collaborate to get the original k secret images. The proposed approach relies on the development of a spanning tree from a complete graph G for the share image generation in which each of the k pixels retrieved from the k secret images is considered to be one of the k vertices of G. Each of the spanning trees of G is represented by a unique sequence of numbers known as Prufer sequences, and each participant is assigned a random Prufer sequence. The Prufer sequence of a participant is used to generate the share images for that participant. The share images are kept in a blockchain using interplanetary file system. This scheme is suitable for protecting sensitive images through distributed storage while eliminating the single points of failure. Because the blockchain is an immutable decentralized public record, anyone can verify their shares as well as the shares of other participants, thereby preventing cheating by any participant. The scheme presents a lossless reconstruction of k secret images, making it perfect for use in military applications, medical applications, and other applications in which lossless recovery is a crucial element. Extensive experimental analysis confirms that the proposed scheme is secure, cheat proof, and lossless.

© 2023 SPIE and IS&T
Puja Sarkar, Amitava Nag, and Jyoti Prakash Singh "Blockchain-based authenticable (k,n) multi-secret image sharing scheme," Journal of Electronic Imaging 32(5), 053019 (20 September 2023). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.32.5.053019
Received: 15 January 2023; Accepted: 6 September 2023; Published: 20 September 2023
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