1 December 1986 Streak And Framing Camera Designs Using Surface Acoustic Wave Charge-Transfer Devices
R. R. Whitlock, N. A. Papanicolaou
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Solid-state imagers with integrated scanning circuits offer many advantages over beam-scanned camera tubes in cost, reliability, size, and range of applications. Solid-state electrical imagers are the realization of available methods for organizing and transferring charges from an image-sensing area to electrical readout ports. Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) traveling on a piezo-electric medium have been shown to support charge transfer in a solid-state device: charges can be injected into electric potential wells that travel at the acoustic speed and may be collected at a different location on the surface. The principles of SAW charge-transfer devices (SAW-CTDs) are reviewed. Design concepts are presented for SAW-CTDs and CCD-CTDs for use as electrical or optical waveform recorders and as imaging devices, e.g., streak and framing cameras, operating in single-shot and continuously cycling modes.
R. R. Whitlock and N. A. Papanicolaou "Streak And Framing Camera Designs Using Surface Acoustic Wave Charge-Transfer Devices," Optical Engineering 25(12), 251267 (1 December 1986). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7973997
Published: 1 December 1986
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Cited by 3 patents.
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Streak cameras

Imaging systems

Solid state electronics

CCD cameras

Integrated circuit design


The streak camera system in HLS
Proceedings of SPIE (January 11 2007)
Large Area CCD Image Sensors For Scientific Applications
Proceedings of SPIE (December 11 1985)
The Pan-Imager
Proceedings of SPIE (May 01 1986)

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