1 May 1991 Winding tension and temperature dependence of signal losses in a wound fiber
Paul B. Ruffin, Gan Mo, Chi C. Sung
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The excess signal loss in precision-wound optical fiber is measured as a function of the winding tension and the environmental temperature. Since the heat treatment of the wound fiber reduces the signal loss, the residual loss is attributed to the bending loss mechanism caused by the crossovers. A theoretical model is constructed to relate the distortion of the fiber to that of the buffer and is expressed in terms of the winding tension. Various mechanisms for the enhanced distortion at low temperature in current literature are examined along with the experimental data. The calculation is compared with the data with quantitative agreement.
Paul B. Ruffin, Gan Mo, and Chi C. Sung "Winding tension and temperature dependence of signal losses in a wound fiber," Optical Engineering 30(5), (1 May 1991). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.55841
Published: 1 May 1991
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Signal attenuation

Temperature metrology

Optical fibers



Data modeling

Optical testing

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