1 July 1992 Butterfly interconnection implementation for an n-bit parallel full adder/subtractor
DeGui Sun, Xiang Quian, Na-Xin Wang, Zhao-Heng Weng
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Free-space optical interconnections are important in both massive digital optical computing and communication systems. The architectural features of three interconnection networks are analyzed and compared, and the optical butterfly interconnection is shown to have many advantages over other interconnections in implementing various basic logic functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and fast Fourier transforms (FFTs). Starting with conventional Karnaugh maps and Boolean algebra, the characteristics of full addition and full subtraction are analyzed and compared. An n-bit parallel calculator that can implement both ripple carry full additions and ripple borrow full subtractions using multilayer butterfly interconnection networks is designed. Then the schematic and architecture of the full adder/subtractor, interconnection networks, and the patterns of key devices such as masks to implement AND and OR operations in this calculation are described in detail. The correct simulation results of several groups of multibit digits are provided. Finally, the development of the interconnections in implementing logic operations is discussed.
DeGui Sun, Xiang Quian, Na-Xin Wang, and Zhao-Heng Weng "Butterfly interconnection implementation for an n-bit parallel full adder/subtractor," Optical Engineering 31(7), (1 July 1992). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.57689
Published: 1 July 1992
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Cited by 12 scholarly publications.
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Network architectures


Optical computing

Free space optics

Optical interconnects

Computing systems

Statistical analysis


Optical RISC computer
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 1993)
Multi-Gb/s optical interconnect
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 1990)
A micro-payment architecture for P2P networks
Proceedings of SPIE (September 10 2007)

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