1 April 1999 Maximum bit-rate analysis of various symmetric extremely shallow quantum well self-electro-optic effect devices under optimized input power
Youn Sub Lim, Young-Wan Choi
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We investigate the effects of high input power on the performance of optical bistable symmetric self-electro-optic effect devices (SSEEDs) using extremely shallow quantum wells (ESQWs). In this study we consider four ESQW SEEDs: antireflection (AR)-coated ESQW S-SEEDs (E-SEEDs), back-to-back AR-coated ESQW S-SEEDs (BBESEEDs), asymmetric Fabry-Pe´ rot (AFP)-ESQW S-SEEDs (AE-SEEDs), and back-to-back AFP-ESQW S-SEEDs (BBAE-SEEDs). As the input power increases, device performances such as on/off contrast ratio and on/off reflectivity difference are seriously degraded due to the ohmic heating and exciton saturation. But switching speed of the device increases up to a certain value and then begins to decrease. With reasonable optimization of the input power, we simulate and analyze the system bit rate of a cascading optical interconnection system using the various ESQW S-SEEDs changing the number of quantum wells for the external bias of 0 V and 25 V. The BBE-SEED with 48 quantum wells shows the maximum bit rate of 100 Mbytes/s at 0-V bias, while the E-SEED with 60 QWs shows the maximum bit rate of 109 Mbytes/s at 25-V bias. In AFP cavity structures, the AE-SEED with 18 QWs and the BBAE-SEED with 28 QWs show maximum bit rate of 311 and 156 Mbytes/s, respectively, at 0-V bias.
Youn Sub Lim and Young-Wan Choi "Maximum bit-rate analysis of various symmetric extremely shallow quantum well self-electro-optic effect devices under optimized input power," Optical Engineering 38(4), (1 April 1999). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.602263
Published: 1 April 1999
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