31 January 2012 Femtosecond laser printing of living cells using absorbing film-assisted laser-induced forward transfer
Bela Hopp, Tomi Smausz, Gábor Szabó, Lajos Kolozsvari, Antal Nogradi, Dimitris Kafetzopoulos, Costas Fotakis
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Funded by: European Commission, Hungarian scientific Research Foundation
The applicability of a femtosecond KrF laser in absorbing film-assisted, laser-induced forward transfer of living cells was studied. The absorbing materials were 50-nm-thick metal films and biomaterials (gelatine, Matrigel, each 50 μm thick, and polyhydroxybutyrate, 2 μm). The used cell types were human neuroblastoma, chronic myeloid leukemia, and osteogenic sarcoma cell lines, and primary astroglial rat cells. Pulses of a 500-fs KrF excimer laser focused onto the absorbing layer in a 250-μm diameter spot with 225  mJ/cm2 fluence were used to transfer the cells to the acceptor plate placed at 0.6 mm distance, which was a glass slide either pure or covered with biomaterials. While the low-absorptivity biomaterial absorbing layers proved to be ineffective in transfer of cells, when applied on the surface of acceptor plate, the wet gelatine and Matrigel layers successfully ameliorated the impact of the cells, which otherwise did not survive the arrival onto a hard surface. The best short- and long-term survival rate was between 65% and 70% for neuroblastoma and astroglial cells. The long-term survival of the transferred osteosarcoma cells was low, while the myeloid leukemia cells did not tolerate the procedure under the applied experimental conditions.
© 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2012/$25.00 © 2012 SPIE
Bela Hopp, Tomi Smausz, Gábor Szabó, Lajos Kolozsvari, Antal Nogradi, Dimitris Kafetzopoulos, and Costas Fotakis "Femtosecond laser printing of living cells using absorbing film-assisted laser-induced forward transfer," Optical Engineering 51(1), 014302 (31 January 2012). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.51.1.014302
Published: 31 January 2012
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Femtosecond phenomena


Nonimpact printing


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Excimer lasers

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