A detailed laboratory experiment has been completed which models a simultaneous multiple beam Fourier telescopy
(FT) technique capable of imaging rapidly changing objects. Fourier telescopy uses multiple beams that illuminate the
target with a complex fringe pattern that sweeps across it due to frequency differences between beams. Using this
method, the target spatial frequency components are encoded in the temporal signal that is reflected from the target.
Previous work has concentrated on system designs where the target is illuminated with 3 individual beams in order to use
a standard phase closure process. Data processing and image reconstruction for this laboratory experiment invoked a
novel reconstruction algorithm that has been previously developed. The algorithm compensates for atmospheric phase
fluctuations affecting the large number of beams transmitted simultaneously and includes a new type of global phase
closure which allows image reconstruction from the time history of measured total reflected intensity from the target.
The reconstruction algorithm also solves for hundreds of image Fourier components simultaneously, permitting rapid
reconstruction of the image. This multiple beam laboratory experiment includes effects from realistic photon and speckle noise. Additional effects have been expanded to include uplink turbulence, piston jitter, and beam scintillation on the target, which will be encountered in an actual FT imaging system. Experimental results have obtained reconstructed image Strehl values which are greater than 0.9 under scaled system conditions.
Delivering coherently in phase high power laser beams by fiber optics to transmitter telescopes is desirable to Fourier
Telescopy (FT) Imaging technique. One of the requirements to such delivery fibers is to maintain its optical path length
while being bent over 150 degrees. We have designed an apparatus and assessed the piston phase error versus both the
radius of bending curvature and total bending angle of an optical fiber. The bending apparatus we built can evaluate
delivery fiber, and the result of bending a single-mode fiber indicates that bending induced piston phase error can be
neglected in the range of fiber optic diameter and radius of bending curvature that we are interested.
Software has been developed for the SAINT program that simulates the operation of a Fourier Telescopy imaging system that could potentially be used to create images of a satellite in low earth orbit. Fourier telescopy uses multiple beams that illuminate the target with a fringe pattern that sweeps across it due to frequency differences between beams. In this way the target spatial frequency components are encoded in the temporal signal that is reflected from the target. The software simulates the propagation effects and target interaction effects that would be present in a real system. This enables the creation of a simulated received signal as a function of time. A particular problem was accurately modeling the appearance of the target as its aspect changes during a rapid transit over the transmitter and receiver. A novel reconstructor has been developed that compensates for atmospheric phase fluctuations affecting the large number of beams transmitted simultaneously (~10). The reconstructor solves for hundreds of image Fourier components simultaneously, permitting rapid reconstruction of the image.
We investigated the spatial structure of atmospheric turbulence at Maui Space Surveillance Site (MSSS) using a 3.6 m telescope and a spatial filtering receiver. This receiver simultaneously records four star images on one camera frame. The star images are formed through pupil masks representing aperture diameters of 0.1 m, 0.5m, 1.5 m, and 3.6 m. We determined the camera orientation for each data set by moving the telescope at a given angle in azimuth and elevation. We calculated the horizontal and vertical components of the image centroid and evaluated the statistics of the horizontal and vertical wavefront tilt as a function of the aperture diameter and seeing conditions. We found several evidences of anisotropy of turbulence at MSSS. On four nights we observed that the variance of on-axis horizontal tilt exceeded the variance of the vertical tilt by a factor of 1.3-3.3. We believe that this is due to anisotropy of large-scale turbulence, where the horizontal scale of the turbulent inhomogeneities exceeds their vertical scale. The estimates of the horizontal and vertical turbulence outer scale confirmed this conclusion. In addition, in several data sets the horizontal image spot diameter of the long-exposure star image exceeded the vertical image spot diameter. We also found that large apertures are more likely to have higher anisotropy coefficient values than small apertures. This is because the contribution of small-scale isotropic turbulence to the image centroid reduces with increasing telescope diameter. In the case of isotropic turbulence, the power spectral densities (PSDs) of wavefront tilt are consistent with theoretical models. The telescope vibration modes were observed at 20 Hz. In the case of anisotropic turbulence, the PSDs of the horizontal tilt component have lower slope in the high frequency range, and difference between PSDs for large and small apertures is reduced. The anisotropy of turbulence and atmospheric tilt may affect the design and performance analysis of both active and passive optical systems.
Fourier telescopy (FT) is an active imaging technique that is a candidate for high resolution imaging systems which can be used to obtain satellite images out to geosynchronous target ranges. Fourier telescopy uses multiple beams that illuminate the target with a fringe pattern that sweeps across it due to a set frequency difference between beams. In this way the target spatial frequency components are encoded in the temporal signal that is reflected from the target. The FT receiver can then be composed of a large area "light bucket" collector, since only the integrated temporal signal is necessary to reconstruct the target image. The GEO Light Imaging National Testbed (GLINT) system was previously designed to obtain satellite images at geosynchronous ranges by using this technique. The "light bucket" receiver was designed use forty heliostats, each having a collection area of ten meters square, and composed of a 16 x 16 grid of two foot square mirrors. The heliostats would redirect the return light from the target onto a large spherical concentrator array composed of hexagonal mirror segments. This concentrator would then focus the return light onto a photomultiplier tube (PMT) detector. The FT Field experiment presented in this paper uses one 10-meter square heliostat and a single PMT, plus a scaled down secondary array to provide the optical elements of the receiver for the FT field experiment. In this paper, we will describe the performance characteristics of the heliostat, secondary, and PMT detector. Performance characteristics include optical wavefront, alignment, and alignment stability of the optical elements. Finally, results will be presented after the receiver was integrated with a transmitter system that provided the modulated FT signal from various targets. Image reconstructions will show that even using low quality "Light bucket" receiver optics and a 1.5 km horizontal path through the atmosphere, the modulated signal can still produce good image quality of the targets. Image reconstruction will also be presented for different SNR values in the received signal.
Fourier telescopy (FT) is an active imaging technique that is a good candidate for high resolution imaging systems that can be used to obtain satellite images out to geosynchronous target ranges. Fourier telescopy uses multiple beams that illuminate the target with a fringe pattern that sweeps across it due to frequency differences between beams. In this way the target spatial frequency components are encoded in the temporal signal that is reflected from the target. The FT receiver can then be composed of a large area "light bucket" collector, since only the integrated temporal signal is necessary to reconstruct the target image. The GEO Light Imaging National Testbed (GLINT) system was previously designed to obtain satellite images at geosynchronous ranges by using this technique. Laboratory experiments by several groups have demonstrated the validity of this technique to produce images from simulated targets. In this paper we expand upon these previous experiments to present results from both a FT laboratory and field experimental setup that simulated realistic photon noise, speckle noise, and atmospheric turbulence that will be encountered in an actual FT imaging system. To obtain the scaling for the FT experiment, we have used the GLINT system design parameters for our experimental setup. We will also discuss the phase closure process used to eliminate the random phase differences between the beams from the target spatial frequency measurements and the basic reconstruction algorithm used to produce the target image. Results will also be given that demonstrate the phase closure variance is reduced by averaging a small number of high SNR measurements together, as compared to averaging a larger number of low SNR measurements. Target reconstruction improvements obtained by "unbiasing" the average of the individual low SNR phase closure measurements will also be discussed.
Marcia Thornton, Jerry Oldenettel, Dane Hult, Katrina Koski, Tracy Depue, Edward Cuellar, Jim Balfour, Morey Roof, Fred Yarger, Greg Newlin, Lee Ramzel, Peter Buchanan, Fesseha Mariam, Lee Scotese
The GEO Light Imaging National Testbed (GLINT) will use three laser beams producing simultaneous interference fringes to illuminate satellites in geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO). The reflected returns will be recorded using a large 4,000 m2 'light bucket' receiver. This imaging methodology is termed Fourier Telescopy. A major component of the 'light bucket' will be an array of 40 - 80 heliostats. Each heliostat will have a mirrored surface area of 100 m2 mounted on a rigid truss structure which is supported by an A-frame. The truss structure attaches to the torque tube elevation drive and the A-frame structure rests on an azimuth ring that could provide nearly full coverage of the sky. The heliostat is designed to operate in 15 mph winds with jitter of less than 500 microradians peak-to- peak. One objective of the design was to minimize receiver cost to the maximum extent possible while maintaining GLINT system performance specifications. The mechanical structure weights approximately seven tons and is a simple fabricated steel framework. A prototype heliostat has been assembled at Stallion Range Center, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico and is being tested under a variety of weather and operational conditions. The preliminary results of that testing will be presented as well as some finite element model analyses that were performed to predict the performance of the structure.
Using a large adaptive optical system designed for the correction of a visible wavelength laser, we report the results for the first known compensated laser illumination demonstration of an uncooperative low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite using an active point ahead mirror. The results of these tests using a low-power laser beacon at D/ro equals 25 show improvement of over a factor of 5 in peak energy at the diffraction limited resolution of 0.1 arc sec for stellar images. The amount of light reflected from a large, diffuse LEO satellite was improved by a factor of approximately 2 using the adaptive optical system.
We report on the design and operation of an integrated 1 meter adaptive optics system for compensation of a visible wavelength laser for satellite beamforming applications. A visible artificial laser guide star (frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser with wavelength of 0.532 micrometers ) is used as the source for the reference wavefront. A shearing interferometer which uses a narrow optical bandwidth and has 500 subapertures is employed to sense wavefront distortion. These measurements are used to compute a conjugate wavefront to the distorted input light. The computed conjugate is then imprinted on a deformable mirror which consists of 500 square mirror segments. The deformable mirror is integrated with a 1 m Cassegrain telescope. The tracking system is designed to track and illuminate low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. Computer control of both the adaptive optics and tracking systems are done via two terminals, and the entire adaptive optics/tracking system can be run by only two operators. We have used this system for both compensated imaging and compensated illumination applications. In this paper, we will present an overview of the system architecture and discuss computer control of the adaptive optics and tracking systems.
In a program with the Office of Naval Research and the Innovative Science and Technology directorate of BMDO, we have designed, built and tested a large adaptive optical system for the correction of a visible wavelength laser beam. A visible artificial laser guide star (frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser with wavelength of 0.532 micrometers ) is used as the source for the reference wavefront. A shearing interferometer which uses a narrow optical bandwidth and has 500 subapertures is employed to sense wavefront distortion. The sensor is used to control a 500-segment deformable mirror which is integrated with a 1 m telescope. In this paper, we will present results for the first known compensated laser illumination tests of an uncooperative low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite using an active point ahead mirror. The results of these tests using a first generation low-power laser beacon at D/ro equals 25 show improvement of over a factor of 5 in peak energy at the diffraction limited resolution of 0.1 arc sec for stellar images. The amount of light reflected from a large, diffuse LEO satellite was improved by a factor of approximately 2 using the adaptive optical system. In the Spring of 1994, a custom, high powered illuminator laser will be implemented to facilitate novel active tracking and imaging applications.
We report on the design and fabrication of a high bandwidth interferometer suitable for real- time measurement of the figure of a deformable mirror. The design allows for measurement of mirror figure in terms of optical path differences (OPD) between the surface of the mirror and a static reference wavefront. Measurements are made on a 31 by 31 square grid. This instrument is relevant for atmospheric adaptive optics systems because it provides a method for accurately monitoring the figure of a deformable mirror during real-time compensation of atmospheric turbulence. Measured values of OPD on the mirror surface are output in digital form at approximately 10 kHz and can be used as a feedback signal in a digital control-loop for driving the deformable mirror. The system uses a common 4-bucket or 4-measurement interferometric algorithm to compute OPD. The maximum measurable OPD is +/- 7.5 waves. Tests of the completed interferometer indicate that it can routinely measure the dynamic changes in figure of an optical mirror. Preliminary tests indicate that the measurements are accurate to approximately (lambda) /25.
We report on the operation and performance of a complete integrated 1 m adaptive optics systems for compensation of atmospheric distortion of optical wavefronts. Both visible artificial laser guide stars (doubled Nd:YAG laser with wavelength of 0.532 micrometers ) and natural stars can be used as sources for reference wavefronts. A polarization shearing interferometer which uses a narrow optical bandwidth and has 500 subapertures is employed to sense wavefront distortion. These measurements are used to compute a conjugate wavefront to the distorted input light. The computed conjugate is then imprinted on a deformable mirror which consists of 500 individual square mirror segments. The effectiveness of the compensation is determined from a measured PSF of the system. Both indoor benchtop and atmospheric experiments are under way to test the performance of the integrated system. The results of these tests so far are very promising, yielding short-exposure images at 0.532 microns which contain discernible energy at the diffraction limit of 0.1 arcsec.
Segmented Adaptive Optic Mirrors have been developed, fabricated, and demonstrated in real time atmospheric compensation systems. Until recently, most Segmented Adaptive Optic Mirrors have been designed for single wavelength applications and have not required more than 1.5 (mu) of surface motion since absolute phasing of the surface is not required for very narrow bandwidth compensation. Requirements for astronomical and imaging systems have required the design and fabrication of long stroke (6 - 10 (mu) ) segmented mirrors capable of absolute phasing of the segments, optical response from 0.4 to 3.5 (mu) and bandwidths above 2.5 KHz.
This paper describes a system capable of real-time wavefront reconstruction for a 512 subaperture shearing interferometer. The system was designed to interface with a 1536 channel (512 segment) deformable mirror for atmospheric compensation using an artificial beacon. The phase gradients were measured using a shearing interferometer operating at two distinct shear lengths with quantum limited performance at 200 photons per subaperture. A 128 node parallel processor performed a sparse matrix multiply to reconstruct the phasefront in real time. The matrix truncation technique used allowed 90% of the elements to be removed with only minor penalty in wavefront accuracy.
Results from a benchtop experiment to demonstrate phase compensation using a 512 segment, 1500 degree-of-freedom adaptive optic system are presented. Atmospheric phase distortion is simulated by a static Kolmogorov spectrum aberration plate with r0 equal to the subaperture size. The phase gradients are measured using a Poisson-limited, self-referenced shearing interferometer which operated at two distinct shear lengths. A parallel processor is then employed utilizing a sparse matrix multiply to reconstruct the phase front in realtime. The performance of the compensation was determined by measuring the normalized half lambda/D intensity ratio in the Fourier transform plane. Corrections to a Strehl ratio of 0.55 were performed, consistent with the measured sensitivity of the system.
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