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PEALD AlF3 films were deposited using trimethylaluminum and SF6 plasma precursors in a modified Veeco Fiji G2 reactor. ALD growth windows (the range of process parameters resulting in ideal growth) were established using an in situ ellipsometer to monitor the fluoride growth rate directly on Al substrates and supplemented with post-deposition x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to elucidate process-structure property relationships. Optimal AlF3 films had a growth rate of 0.75-0.8Å/cycle, F/Al ratio of ≈3, < 2 at% O, indicating that PEALD is a beneficial process technique towards achieving optical coatings on a variety of potential mirror materials. The influence of PEALD parameters on the FUV optical performance of Al mirrors overcoated with PEALD-AlF3 will be also discussed.
We measured the 270-600 GHz dielectric losses of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide in superconducting microstrip lines. Furthermore, we measured the complex dielectric constant of the hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide in the 3-100 THz range using Fourier transform spectroscopy. We modeled the loss data from 0.27-100 THz using a Maxwell-Helmholtz-Drude dispersion model. Our results demonstrate that phonon modes above 10 THz dominate the mm-submm losses in deposited dielectrics.
Efficient mirrors with high reflectivity over the ultra-violet, optical, and infra-red (UVOIR) spectral range are essential components in future space-based observatories. Aluminum mirrors with fluoride-based protective layers are commonly the baseline UV coating technology; these mirrors have been proven to be stable, reliable, and with long flight heritage. However, despite their optical performance to date, their reflectivity is still insufficient for future large telescope instrumentation in which several reflections are required.
Recently, a novel passivation procedure based on the exposure of bare Al to a fluorine containing electron beam generated plasma has been presented [1,2]. This research is framed in a collaboration between Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), with plasma treatment carried out in NRL’s large area plasma processing system (LAPPS) using aluminum coated glass samples produced at GSFC coating facilities. The passivation of the bare Al is accomplished by using an electron-beam generated plasma produced in a fluorine-containing background to simultaneously remove the native oxide layer while promoting the formation of an AlF3 passivation layer with tunable thickness. Importantly, this new treatment uses benign precursors (SF6) and is performed at room temperature. In this work, details of the plasma process and in situ surface monitoring with spectroscopic ellipsometry are discussed. This novel procedure has demonstrated improved Al mirrors with state of the art far-ultraviolet (FUV) (λ = 90-200 nm) reflectivity (e.g. R=91% at 121.6 nm) paired with an excellent thickness control of the Al protective layer.
Comparing complex impedance and bias step measurements of Simons Observatory transition edge sensors
We explore observing strategies for both small (0.42 m) aperture telescopes (SAT) and a large (6 m) aperture telescope (LAT). We study strategies focused on small sky areas to search for inflationary gravitational waves as well as strategies spanning roughly half the low-foreground sky to constrain the effective number of relativistic species and measure the sum of neutrino masses via the gravitational lensing signal due to large scale structure. We present these strategies specifically considering the telescope hardware and science goals of the SO, located at 23° South latitude, 67.8° West longitude.
Observations close to the Sun and the Moon can introduce additional systematics by applying additional power to the instrument through telescope sidelobes. Significant side lobe contamination in the data can occur even at tens of degrees or more from bright sources. Therefore, we present several strategies that implement Sun and Moon avoidance constraints into the telescope scheduling.
Scan strategies can also be a powerful tool to diagnose and mitigate instrumental systematics either by using multiple scans to average down systematics or by providing null tests to diagnose problems. We discuss methods for quantifying the ability of an observation strategy to achieve this.
Strategies for resolving conflicts between simultaneously visible fields are discussed. We focus on maximizing telescope time spent on science observations. It will also be necessary to schedule calibration measurements, however that is beyond the scope of this work. The outputs of this study are algorithms that can generate specific schedule commands for the Simons Observatory instruments.
Design and characterization of the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) 93 GHz focal plane
Variable-delay polarization modulators (VPMs) are used in the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) telescopes as the first element in the optical chain to rapidly modulate the incoming polarization. VPMs consist of a linearly polarizing wire grid in front of a movable flat mirror. Varying the distance between the grid and the mirror produces a changing phase shift between polarization states parallel and perpendicular to the grid which modulates Stokes U (linear polarization at 45°) and Stokes V (circular polarization). The CLASS telescopes have VPMs as the first optical element from the sky; this simultaneously allows a lock-in style polarization measurement and the separation of sky polarization from any instrumental polarization further along in the optical path.
The CLASS VPM wire grids use 50 μm copper-plated tungsten wire with a 160μm spacing across a 60 cm clear aperture. The mirror is mounted on a flexure system with one degree of translational freedom, enabling the required mirror motion while maintaining excellent parallelism with respect to the wire grid. The wire grids and mirrors are held parallel to each other to better than 80 μm, and the wire grids have RMS flatness errors below 50 μm across the 60 cm aperture. The Q-band CLASS VPM was the first VPM to begin observing the CMB full time, starting in the Spring of 2016. The first W-band CLASS VPM was installed in the Spring of 2018.
We measure CE7 to a) superconduct below a critical transition temperature, Tc, ~1.2 K, b) have a thermal contraction profile much closer to Si than metals, which enables simple mating, and c) have a low thermal conductivity which can be improved by Au-plating. Our investigations also demonstrate that CE7 can be machined well enough to fabricate small structures, such as #0-80 threaded holes, to tight tolerances (~25 μm) in contrast with pure silicon and similar substrates. We have fabricated CE7 baseplates being deployed in the 93 GHz polarimetric focal planes used in the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS).1 We also report on the development of smooth-walled feedhorn arrays made of CE7 that will be used in a focal plane of dichroic 150/220 GHz detectors for the CLASS High-Frequency camera.
The cosmology large angular scale surveyor (CLASS): 38-GHz detector array of bolometric polarimeters
Instrument performance of GISMO: a 2 millimeter TES bolometer camera used at the IRAM 30 m Telescope
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