Dr. Emilio Prieto
Head/Length and Precision Engineering Area at Spanish Centre of Metrology
SPIE Involvement:
Profile Summary

Date and place of birth: Madrid (Spain) 1956

Education: Mechanical Engineer by ICAI-UPM and Ph.D. by the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Department of Applied Physics to Engineering.

Professional Career: In 1982 joined the National Commission of Metrology. Since 1994, Head of the Length Area at the Spanish Centre of Metrology (CEM).
Member of Consultative Committees for Length (CCL) and Units (CCU) from the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM). CEM representative in EURAMET (the European Association of National Metrology Institutes) for the quantity ‘Length’.
Member of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) since 1991, the Scientific Committee of the network ‘NanoSpain’, the Dimensional Metrology Committees in ENAC (the Spanish Accreditation Body) and AENOR (the Spanish Standardization Body) and Chairman of the AENOR GET 15 Group on standardization in nanotechnologies.
Author of several publications and papers in national and international journals, has coordinated interlaboratory comparisons and R&D projects, as well as training courses on metrology and uncertainty estimation.
Publications (2)

Proceedings Article | 26 July 2011 Paper
Silvia Ferreira-Barragáns, Mª Mar Pérez-Hernández, B. Samoudi, E. Prieto
Proceedings Volume 8001, 80014I (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.894524
KEYWORDS: Frequency combs, Femtosecond phenomena, Metrology, Cesium, Iodine cells, Laser stabilization, Clocks, Frequency metrology, Erbium, Physics

Proceedings Article | 20 November 2003 Paper
Emilio Prieto, Joaquin Rodriguez
Proceedings Volume 5190, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.508135
KEYWORDS: Calibration, Interferometry, Standards development, Metrology, Mirrors, Image processing, Telecommunications, Image filtering, Distance measurement, Control systems

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