Recently, progress has been made in the supervised training of Convolutional Object Detectors (e.g. Faster RCNN) for threat recognition in carry-on luggage using X-ray images. This is part of the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA's) mission to ensure safety for air travelers in the United States. Collecting more data reliably improves performance for this class of deep algorithm, but requires time and money to produce training data with threats staged in realistic contexts. In contrast to these hand-collected data containing threats, data from the real-world, known as the Stream-of-Commerce (SOC), can be collected quickly with minimal cost; while technically unlabeled, in this work we make a practical assumption that these are without threat objects. Because of these data constraints, we will use both labeled and unlabeled sources of data for the automatic threat recognition problem. In this paper, we present a semi-supervised approach for this problem which we call Background Adaptive Faster R-CNN. This approach is a training method for two-stage object detectors which uses Domain Adaptation methods from the field of deep learning. The data sources described earlier are considered two “domains": one a hand-collected data domain of images with threats, and the other a real-world domain of images assumed without threats. Two domain discriminators, one for discriminating object proposals and one for image features, are adversarially trained to prevent encoding domain-specific information. Penalizing this encoding is important because otherwise the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can learn to distinguish images from the two sources based on superficial characteristics, and minimize a purely supervised loss function without improving its ability to recognize objects. For the hand-collected data, only object proposals and image features completely outside of areas corresponding to ground truth object bounding boxes (background) are used. The losses for these domain-adaptive discriminators are added to the Faster R-CNN losses of images from both domains. This technique enables threat recognition based on examples from the labeled data, and can reduce false alarm rates by matching the statistics of extracted features on the hand-collected backgrounds to that of the real world data. Performance improvements are demonstrated on two independently-collected datasets of labeled threats.
Processing electromagnetic induction signals from subsurface targets, for purposes of discrimination, requires accurate physical models. To date, successful approaches for on-land cases have entailed advanced modeling of responses by the targets themselves, with quite adequate treatment of instruments as well. Responses from the environment were typically slight and/or were treated very simply. When objects are immersed in saline solutions, however, more sophisticated modeling of the diffusive EMI physics in the environment is required. One needs to account for the response of the environment itself as well as the environment’s frequency and time-dependent effects on both primary and secondary fields, from sensors and targets, respectively. Here we explicate the requisite physics and identify its effects quantitatively via analytical, numerical, and experimental investigations. Results provide a path for addressing the quandaries posed by previous underwater measurements and indicate how the environmental physics may be included in more successful processing.
The Transportation Security Administration safeguards all United States air travel. To do so, they employ human inspectors to screen x-ray images of carry-on baggage for threats and other prohibited items, which can be challenging. On the other hand, recent research applying deep learning techniques to computer-aided security screening to assist operators has yielded encouraging results. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning based on learning abstractions from data, as opposed to engineering features by hand. These techniques have proven to be quite effective in many domains, including computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, self-driving cars, and geographical mapping technology. In this paper, we present initial results of a collaboration between Smiths Detection and Duke University funded by the Transportation Security Administration. Using convolutional object detection algorithms trained on annotated x-ray images, we show real-time detection of prohibited items in carry-on luggage. Results of the work so far indicate that this approach can detect selected prohibited items with high accuracy and minimal impact on operational false alarm rates.
Depleted uranium (DU) is a byproduct of the uranium enrichment process and contains less than 0.3 % of the radioactive U-235 isotope. Since, the natural uranium has about 0.72 % of the uranium U-235 isotope, the enrichment produces large quantities of low-level radioactive DU. The non-fissile uranium U-238 isotope constitutes the main component of DU and makes it very dense. With 19.1 g/cm3 density, the DU is about 68.4 % denser than lead. Because of its high density, the DU has been used for as armor-piercing penetrators by the U.S. army. There are at least 30 facilities where munitions containing DU have been evaluated or used for training. These evaluation studies have been conducted with and without catch-boxes and have left a legacy of DU contamination. Thus, there are needs for rapid and cost-effective approaches to detect and locate subsurface DU munitions and to assess large contaminated areas. In this paper, a new ultra-wideband (from 10s of Hertz up to 15 Megahertz) geophysical instrument is evaluated for sensing subsurface DU munitions and DU materials related to contaminations in soil. Namely, full electromagnetic induction (EMI) responses are investigated using computational and experimental data for a DU rod, dart, and three samples of Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) soils. Numerical data are obtained via the full 3D EMI solver based on the method of auxiliary sources. The EMI signals sensitivity with respect to DU size, orientations, and material composition are illustrated and analyzed. Comparisons between computational and experimental studies are demonstrated. The studies show that the new ultra-wideband EMI sensor measures the complete polarization relaxation response from the DU rod and dart, and is able to sense relative DU contamination levels in soil.
Intermediate electrical conductivity (IEC, 100-105 S/m) objects are increasingly important to properly detect and classify. For the US Military, carbon fiber (CF) "smart bomb" unexploded ordnance (UXO) are contaminating training ranges. Home-made explosives (HME) may also fit in this conductivity range. Objects in this conductivity range exhibit characteristic quadrature response peaks at high frequencies (100 kHz-15 MHz). Previous efforts towards electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing of IEC targets have required single-turn, small-diameter transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) loops. These smaller loops remain electrically short in the high frequency EMI (HFEMI) range (100 kHz-15 MHz), a necessary feature, but provide low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), especially at low frequencies (1000 Hz-10 kHz). We propose a modification to our pre-production HFEMI instrument which has a hybrid low frequency/high frequency transmit coil. This hybrid system uses many turns in the traditional range, and a single wire turn at HFEMI frequencies, to maximize SNR across a wider EMI band. The turns which are not current carrying in high frequency mode must have negligible inductive coupling to the single current-carrying turn, low enough that any coupling is suitable for background subtraction. This is enforced by mutually disconnecting every turn from every other turn. The instrument uses the same calibration techniques as previously introduced,1 namely background subtraction and ferrite compensation. This paper dis- cusses engineering tradeoffs, compares results to numerical models and actual data from an advanced induction sensor, shows improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at traditional EMI frequencies, and shows the same ability to detect IEC targets in the HFEMI band.
Buried threats such as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and UneXploded Ordnance (UXO) can be composed of different materials including metal, carbon fiber, carbon rods, and nonconducting material such as wood, rubber, fuel oil, and plastic. Electromagnetic induction (EMI) instruments have been traditionally used to detect high electric conductivity discrete targets such as metal UXO. The frequencies used for this EMI regime have typically been less than 100 kHz. To detect intermediate conductivity objects like carbon fiber, higher frequencies up to the low megahertz range are required in order to capture characteristic relaxation responses. Nonconducting voids in an otherwise conducting background medium like soil channel currents around the void. These channeling currents exhibit relaxation responses similar to conducting targets but with a much higher frequency response. Nonconducting plastic landmines can be considered a void plus small metallic parts such as the firing pin, and a characteristic relaxation response due to both the void and the metal parts can be obtained which can reduce false alarms from EMI instruments that detect only the metal. To predict EMI phenomena at frequencies up to 15MHz, we modeled the response of conducting and nonconducting targets using the Method of Auxiliary Sources. Our high-frequency electromagnetic induction (HFEMI) instrument is able to acquire EMI data at frequencies up to that same high limit. Modeled and measured characteristic relaxation signatures compare favorably and indicate new sensing possibilities in a variety of scenarios including the detection of voids and landmines.
Detecting and classifying small (i.e., with calibers ranging from 20 to 60 mm) and deep targets (burial depth more than 11 times
targets diameter) is still a challenging problem using current advanced EMI sensors and signal processing approaches. In order to
overcome this problem, the standard time-domain NRL TEMTADS 2x2 electromagnetic induction (EMI) instrument is updated.
Namely, the NRL TEMTADS 2x2 system’s transmitter electronics is modified to increase transmitter (Tx) currents from 6 Amperes
to 14 Amperes. The instrument has a Tx array with four coplanar square coils, together with four tri-axial receivers (Rx) placed at the
center of each Tx. Each Rx cube contains three orthogonal coils and thus registers all three vector components of the impinging
signals. The Tx coils, with transmitter currents of ~14 A, illuminate a buried target, and the target responses are collected with a 500
kHz sample rate after turn off of the excitation pulse. The system operates in both static (cued) and dynamic modes. For cued mode,
the raw decay measurements are grouped into 121 logarithmically-spaced “gates” whose center times range from 25 μs to 24.35 ms
with 5% widths. The sensor is placed on a cart which provides a sensor-to-ground offset of 20 cm or less. In this paper, studies for
APG Calibration, Blind, and Small Munitions Grids are presented and analyzed. The areas are arranged in grids of test cells and the
cell center positions are known. Each target position is flagged with a non-metallic pin flag using cm-level GPS. The sensor is
positioned over each target in turn. With the system positioned over the target, each Tx is activated sequentially and during off the Tx
current, all four Rx record data. The capabilities of this sensor platform is rigorously investigated for UXO classification at APG
blind and small munitions grids.
Intermediate electrical conductivity (IEC) materials (101S/m < σ < 104S/m), such as carbon fiber (CF), have recently been used to make smart bombs. In addition, homemade improvised explosive devices (IED) can be produced with low conducting materials (10-4S/m < σ < 1S/m), such as Ammonium Nitrate (AN). To collect unexploded ordnance (UXO) from military training ranges and thwart deadly IEDs, the US military has urgent need for technology capable of detection and identification of subsurface IEC objects. Recent analytical and numerical studies have showed that these targets exhibit characteristic quadrature response peaks at high induction frequencies (100kHz − 15MHz, the High Frequency Electromagnetic Induction (HFEMI) band), and they are not detectable with traditional ultra wideband (UWB) electromagnetic induction (EMI) metal detectors operating between 100Hz − 100kHz. Using the HFEMI band for induction sensing is not so simple as driving existing instruments at higher frequencies, though. At low frequency, EMI systems use more wire turns in transmit and receive coils to boost signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), but at higher frequencies, the transmitter current has non-uniform distribution along the coil length. These non-uniform currents change the spatial distribution of the primary magnetic field and disturb axial symmetry and thwart established approaches for inferring subsurface metallic object properties. This paper discusses engineering tradeoffs for sensing with a broader band of frequencies ever used for EMI sensing, with particular focus on coil geometries.
This paper describes procedures and approaches our team took to demonstrate the capability of advanced electromagnetic induction (EMI) forward and inverse models to perform subsurface metallic objects picking and classification at live-UXO sites from dynamic data sets. Over the past seven years, blind classification tests at live-UXO sites have revealed two main challenges: 1) consistent selection of targets for cued interrogation, (e.g., for the recent SWPG2 study, two independent performers that processed the same MetalMapper dynamic data picked different targets for cued interrogation); and 2) positioning of the cued sensor close enough to the actual cued target to accurately perform classification (particularly when multiple targets or magnetic soils are present). To overcome these problems, in this paper we introduced an innovative and robust approach for subsurface metallic targets picking and classification from dynamic data sets. This approach first inverts for target locations and polarizabilities from each dynamic data point, and then clusters the inverted locations and defines each cluster as a target/source. Finally, the method uses the extracted polarizabilities for classifying UXO from non-UXO items. The studies are done for the 2x2 TEMTADS dynamic data set collected at Camp Hale, CO. The targets picking and classification results are illustrated and validated against ground truth.
Ultrawide band electromagnetic induction (EMI) instruments have been traditionally used to detect high electric
conductivity discrete targets such as metal unexploded ordnance. The frequencies used for this EMI regime have
typically been less than 100 kHz. To detect intermediate conductivity objects like carbon fiber, even less conductive
saturated salts, and even voids embedded in conducting soils, higher frequencies up to the low megahertz range are
required in order to capture characteristic responses. To predict EMI phenomena at frequencies up to 15 MHz, we first
modeled the response of intermediate conductivity targets using a rigorous, first-principles approach, the Method of
Auxiliary Sources. A newly fabricated benchtop high-frequency electromagnetic induction instrument produced EMI
data at frequencies up to that same high limit. Modeled and measured characteristic relaxation signatures compare
favorably and indicate new sensing possibilities in a variety of scenarios.
KEYWORDS: Electromagnetic coupling, Data modeling, Target detection, Magnetism, Data processing, Transmitters, Sensors, Detection and tracking algorithms, Systems modeling, Polarizability
One of the most challenging aspects of survey data processing is target selection. The fundamental input for the classification is dynamic data collected along survey lines. These data are different from the static data obtained in cued mode and used for target classification. Survey data are typically collected using just one transmitter loop (the Z-axis loop) and feature short data point collection times and short decay transience. The collection intervals for each data point are typically 0.1 s, and the signal repetition rates are typically 90 or 270 Hz (in other words, the transient decay times are 2.7 ms or 0.9 ms). Reliable classification requires multiple side/angle illumination; i.e., to conduct reliable classification it is necessary to combine and jointly invert multiple data points. However, picking data points that provide optimal information for classifying targets is a difficult task. The traditional method plots signal amplitudes on a 2D map and picks peaks of signal level without properly accounting for the underlying physics. In this paper, the joint diagonalization is applied to survey data sets to improve data pre-processing and target picking. The JD technique is an EMI data analysis and target classification technique and is applicable for all next-generation multi-static array EMI sensors. The method extracts multi-static response data matrix eigenvalues. The eigenvalues are main characteristics of the data. Recent studies have demonstrated that the method has great potential to quickly estimate the number of potential targets and moreover classify these targets at the data pre-processing stage, in real time and without the need for a forward model. Another advantage of JD is that it provides the ability to separate signal from noise making it possible to de-noise data without distorting the signal due to the targets. In this paper the JD technique is used to process dynamic data collected at South West Proving Ground and Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) sites using the 2 × 2 TEMTADS and OPTEMA systems, respectively. The joint eigenvalues are extracted as functions of time for each data point and summed/stacked together before being used to create detection maps. Once targets are detected, a set of data is chosen for each anomaly and inverted using the ortho-normalized volume magnetic source technique.
KEYWORDS: Electromagnetic coupling, Target detection, Data modeling, Sensors, Transmitters, Signal to noise ratio, Magnetism, Data processing, Polarizability, Interference (communication)
The appearance of next-generation EMI sensors has been accompanied by the development of advanced EMI models and new interpretation and inversion schemes that take advantage of the richness and diversity of the data provided by these instruments. The technologies have been successfully tested in various scenarios, including ESTCP live-UXO classification studies, and have demonstrated superb classification performances. The studies have shown that the system’s ability to detect and classify small targets (i.e., calibers ranging from 20 to 60 mm) and deep targets (burial depth more than 11 times the target’s diameter) is still a challenging problem when an existing system is used. To overcome this problem, first the standard approach is analyzed, then targets detections are studied for different transmitter coil combinations and transmitter current magnitudes. The results are validated experimentally. The studies are done for a 37mm projectile placed at 42cm and 86 cm under the 2×2 TEMTADS instrument. The target detection and classification performances are illustrated for 6, 11 and 14 Ampere Tx currents using the joint diagonalization and ortho normalized volume magnetic source techniques.
This paper presents a combined joint diagonalization (JD) and multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm for estimating subsurface objects locations from electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensor data, without solving ill-posed inverse-scattering problems. JD is a numerical technique that finds the common eigenvectors that diagonalize a set of multistatic response (MSR) matrices measured by a time-domain EMI sensor. Eigenvalues from targets of interest (TOI) can be then distinguished automatically from noise-related eigenvalues. Filtering is also carried out in JD to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the data. The MUSIC algorithm utilizes the orthogonality between the signal and noise subspaces in the MSR matrix, which can be separated with information provided by JD. An array of theoreticallycalculated Green’s functions are then projected onto the noise subspace, and the location of the target is estimated by the minimum of the projection owing to the orthogonality. This combined method is applied to data from the Time-Domain Electromagnetic Multisensor Towed Array Detection System (TEMTADS). Examples of TEMTADS test stand data and field data collected at Spencer Range, Tennessee are analyzed and presented. Results indicate that due to its noniterative mechanism, the method can be executed fast enough to provide real-time estimation of objects’ locations in the field.
This paper extends a previously-introduced method for automatic classification of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) across several datasets from live sites. We used the MetalMapper sensor, from which extrinsic and intrinsic parameters are determined by the combined Differential Evolution (DE) and Ortho-Normalized Volume Magnetic Source (ONVMS) algorithms. The inversion provides spatial locations and intrinsic time-series total ONVMS principal eigenvalues. These are fit to a power-decay empirical model, providing dimensionality reduction to 3 coefficients (k, b, and g) for polarizability decay. Anomaly target features are grouped using the unsupervised clustering Weighted-Pair Group Method with Averaging (WPGMA) algorithm. Central elements of each cluster are dug, and the results are used to train the next round of dig requests. A Naive Bayes classifier is used as a supervised learning algorithm, in which the product of each feature's independent probability density represents each class of UXO in the feature space. We request ground truths for anomalies in rounds, until there are no more Targets of Interest (TOI) in consecutive requests. This fully automatic procedure requires no expert intervention, saving time and money. Naive Bayes outperformed previous efforts with Gaussian Mixture Models(GMM) in all cases.
This paper details methods for automatic classification of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) as applied to sensor data from the Spencer Range live site. The Spencer Range is a former military weapons range in Spencer, Tennessee. Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) sensing is carried out using the 5x5 Time-domain Electromagnetic Multi-sensor Towed Array Detection System (5x5 TEMTADS), which has 25 receivers and 25 co-located transmitters. Every transmitter is activated sequentially, each followed by measuring the magnetic field in all 25 receivers, from 100 microseconds to 25 milliseconds. From these data target extrinsic and intrinsic parameters are extracted using the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm and the Ortho-Normalized Volume Magnetic Source (ONVMS) algorithms, respectively. Namely, the inversion provides x, y, and z locations and a time series of the total ONVMS principal eigenvalues, which are intrinsic properties of the objects. The eigenvalues are fit to a power-decay empirical model, the Pasion-Oldenburg model, providing 3 coefficients (k, b, and g) for each object. The objects are grouped geometrically into variably-sized clusters, in the k-b-g space, using clustering algorithms. Clusters matching a priori characteristics are identified as Targets of Interest (TOI), and larger clusters are automatically subclustered. Ground Truths (GT) at the center of each class are requested, and probability density functions are created for clusters that have centroid TOI using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The probability functions are applied to all remaining anomalies. All objects of UXO probability higher than a chosen threshold are placed in a ranked dig list. This prioritized list is scored and the results are demonstrated and analyzed.
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