The large apertures of the upcoming generation of Giant Segmented Mirror Telescopes will enable unprecedented angular resolutions that scale as ∝λ/D and higher sensitivities that scale as D4 for point sources corrected by adaptive optics (AO). However, all will have pupil segmentation caused by mechanical struts holding up the secondary mirror (European Extremely Large Telescope and Thirty Meter Telescope) or intrinsically, by design, as in the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). These gaps will be separated by more than a typical atmospheric coherence length (Fried Parameter). The pupil fragmentation at scales larger than the typical atmospheric coherence length, combined with wavefront sensors with weak or ambiguous sensitivity to differential piston, can introduce differential piston areas of the wavefront known as “petal modes.” Commonly used wavefront sensors, such as a pyramid wavefront sensor, also struggle with phase wrapping caused by >λ/2 differential piston wavefront error (WFE). We have developed the holographic dispersed fringe sensor (HDFS), a single pupil-plane optic that employs holography to interfere the dispersed light from each segment onto different spatial locations in the focal plane to sense and correct differential piston between the segments. This allows for a very high and linear dynamic piston sensing range of approximately ±10 μm. We have begun the initial attempts at phasing a segmented pupil utilizing the HDFS on the High Contrast Adaptive optics phasing Testbed (HCAT) and the Extreme Magellan Adaptive Optics instrument (MagAO-X) at the University of Arizona. In addition, we have demonstrated the use of the HDFS as a differential piston sensor on-sky for the first time. We were able to phase each segment to within ±λ/11.3 residual piston WFE (at λ=800 nm) of a reference segment and achieved ∼50 nm RMS residual piston WFE across the aperture in poor seeing conditions.
The Giant Magellan Telescope, with a 25.4m primary and operating from the ultraviolet to the long wave infrared, is being built as one of the next-generation Extremely Large Telescopes. The size of the GMT and its doubly segmented design create a unique set of challenges for telescope alignment, from initial alignment during the assembly, integration, verification and commissioning phase to operational alignment between and during the telescope exposures. GMT therefore includes a Telescope Metrology System (TMS) that uses networks of laser trackers and absolute and differential distance-measuring interferometers for improved alignment efficiency and phasing of the mirror segments. The TMS has successfully passed its Preliminary Design Review and entered the Final Design phase. In this paper we present the current design and expected performance of the GMT TMS.
In the past two years significant forward progress has been achieved in development of Adaptive Optics sensing and control technology needed for the observation modes of the Giant Magellan Telescope1. Most notable is the recent progress in demonstrating the accurate and stable control of segment piston in the diffraction-limited Natural Guide Star AO observation mode. Two NSF-funded testbeds have been successfully operated to validate the control algorithms for active optics, adaptive optics and segment piston in diffraction-limited observation. GMTO also built and operated wavefront sensor prototypes and integrated them with the testbeds. The testing has largely validated the wavefront sensor designs and has retired much of the fabrication and assembly risks. In parallel with the hardware demonstrations, significant progress has been achieved in both NGAO and LTAO control simulations verifying compliance with the required performance in each of these observation modes and thereby supporting the image quality budgets. In the area of design the GMTO Telescope Metrology Subsytem has passed its Preliminary Design Review and the conceptual design of the Adaptive Optics Test Camera has been completed. Finally, a Delta Preliminary Design phase for the LTAO hardware has begun.
The Giant Magellan telescope adaptive optics system will use two different diffraction-limited imaging modes. One of them is the Natural Guide Star Adaptive Optics mode (NGAO). NGAO uses a 7-segment ASM to provide wavefront correction and a single natural guide star coupled with a post focal wavefront sensor called the NGWS. The NGWS has two different channels: the main one featuring a high spatial sampling pyramid sensor dedicated to the fast frame rate correction of atmospheric turbulence and the second one featuring an Holographic Dispersed Fringe Sensor dedicated to phasing correction of the seven segments of the GMT. The Arcetri AO group, in collaboration with GMTO, designed and built a prototype of the NGWS. Arcetri AO group was in charge of providing the design, fabrication and testing of the pyramid wavefront sensor channel of the NGWS prototype that replicates all aspects of optical sensitivity including optical design, camera selection and data reduction of the final NGWS unit. The NGWS prototype was fully integrated at the University of Arizona in the High Contrast Adaptive Optics Testbed (HCAT) during summer 2023 and has been tested to demonstrate its capability to keep the segments of the GMT in phase during a high-performance AO loop. The paper focuses on the aspects of the integration and tests related to the pyramid sensor.
The Natural Guide-star Adaptive Optics (NGAO) mode of the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is one of the two diffraction-limited AO modes under development by GMTO and its partner institutions. It will use the Adaptive Secondary Mirror (ASM) for wavefront correction, and a Natural Guide star Wavefront Sensor (NGWS) unit featuring two visible-light sensing channels to measure wavefront aberrations, including phasing errors between the seven segments of the GMT. The first NGWS channel features a modulated pyramid wavefront sensor (PWFS) and the second NGWS channel features a Holographic Dispersed Fringe Sensor (HDFS), which unambiguously detects segment piston errors as large as ~10 microns in wavefront. To test the performance of this novel wavefront sensing architecture, a prototype of the NGWS was built and integrated with the High Contrast AO Testbed (HCAT) and the MagAO-X system in the laboratories of the Center of Astronomical Adaptive Optics (CAAO) of the University of Arizona. The INAF Arcetri AO group designed and built the first NGWS channel, while GMTO designed and built the second NGWS channel in collaboration with CAAO. We report in this contribution the results of the laboratory experiments conducted over two two-week runs held in 2023 that demonstrate the capability of the NGWS to sense and correct for wavefront and phasing errors under the presence of mild atmospheric disturbances using the GMT NGAO control algorithms adapted to the testbed.
The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is a next-generation ground-based segmented telescope. In the last few years, significant progress has been made by the GMT team and partners to design a natural guide-star wavefront control strategy that can reliably correct wavefront error, including the discrete piston aberration between segment gaps. After an extensive set of simulations and external reviews, the team proposed a design of a Pyramidal Wavefront Sensor (PWFS) combined with a Holographic Dispersed Fringe Sensor (HDFS) and started building a prototype for integrating a GMT simulator (High Contrast AO Testbed) with a PWFS and an HDFS. The prototype was developed in collaboration with the University of Arizona, INAF-Arcetri, and the GMT observatory. The software development of the adaptive optics controllers and the interfaces between all testbed components were done using the GMT software frameworks, as they will be implemented for the final observatory software. The GMT framework is model-based, and the software component interfaces are defined using a domain-specific language (DSL). In this paper, we show how the design of the testbed software fits within GMT's component-based architecture and what each partner was responsible for delivering. We discuss the challenge of a multidisciplinary team from multiple institutions in different time zones working together on the same software, describe how the software architecture and development process helped to ensure seamless integration and highlight other accomplishments and lessons learned.
The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) wavefront control system provides active optics control and optical turbulence correction for every instrument on the 25.4 m diameter GMT. The GMT has four first-generation wavefront control modes that balance image quality, field of view, sky coverage, and development risk: Natural Seeing, Ground-Layer AO, Natural Guide Star AO, and Laser Tomography AO. Several aspects of the GMT wavefront control design have been recently updated. The Acquisition, Guiding, and Wavefront Sensing Subsystem, used in all control modes, has completed final design and a full-scale prototype sensor is being assembled. A Holographic Dispersed Fringe Sensor has been developed to improve the segment phasing capture range and stability of the Natural Guide Star AO mode. In the Laser Tomography AO mode, a high-speed infrared imager in each instrument will measure segment phasing disturbances using phase retrieval on a faint natural guide star, replacing an inter-segment differential laser metrology truss as the primary phasing sensor. High-fidelity simulations of all wavefront control modes have been developed, and we are developing wavefront sensor prototypes on laboratory testbeds that replicate the GMT optical design. We review the performance expectations in each control mode, and describe our plan to complete the wavefront control system development.
The Wide Field Phasing Testbed (WFPT) will be used to test phasing and active optics systems planned for the doubly segmented Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). The testbed consists of a set of optical relays including segmented and deformable mirrors (DMs) that represent the GMT primary and secondary. Displacements, tilts, and clocking of the GMT M1 and M2 segments generate discontinuous wavefront errors that cannot be accurately reproduced by only continuous-surface deformable mirrors. Therefore, two segmented Piston-Tip-Tilt (PTT) mirror arrays placed at the M1 and M2 conjugate positions augment the DMs to reproduce these wavefronts in the WFPT. They must have large stroke (≥10 µm piston) with high temporal stability (⪅20 nm) to avoid drifts from corrupting the sequential AGWS measurements. They must also have very narrow gaps between the mirror clear apertures to mimic the GMT pupil geometry. The pupil size at the PTT array was scaled to fit hexagonal 17mm mirror segments, producing a pupil of approximately 50.25 mm in diameter. Each of the seven segment assemblies consists of a custom segment base component, to which a set of three piezo actuators are epoxied. We selected lead zirconate titanate (PZT) discrete stack actuators which incorporate strain gauges to allow for closed-loop operation, thus eliminating the hysteresis and creep effects of the actuator. A two-axis flexure is bonded to each piezo, opposite the bonded base. The hexagonal mirror is bonded to the three flexures. The assembly, testing and integration challenges of two arrays completed in June 2022 is discussed.
One of the greatest technical challenges of the doubly-segmented Giant Magellan Telescope is the accurate and stable control of segment piston in the diffraction limited observation mode. To address this challenge, in collaboration with the University of Arizona, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, GMTO is executing a project to optimize and validate segment piston control strategies and algorithms using a pair of testbeds. The testbeds provide disturbances to simulate atmospheric turbulence and differential atmospheric dispersion. In addition to the phasing demonstration, the testbeds offer the opportunity to validate hardware designs for the Acquisition & Guiding Wavefront Sensor (AGWS) and the Natural Guide Star Wavefront Sensor (NGWS) and to mitigate their fabrication and assembly risks. Significant progress is reported in the design of the AGWS and NGWS prototypes as well as preliminary test results from the testbeds.
The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) Adaptive Optics (AO) systems feature a single conjugate natural guide star based AO system using the 7 deformable secondaries and a post focal wavefront sensor named NGWS (Natural Guide star Wavefront Sensor). The NGWS has two different channels: one featuring a high spatial sampling pyramid sensor dedicated to the fast frame rate correction of atmospheric turbulence and a second dedicated to the correct phasing of the 7 segments of the GMT telescope. The Arcetri AO group in collaboration with the GMT Organization (GMTO) and the University of Arizona (UA) is in charge of providing the design, fabrication and test of a prototype of the NGWS system that shall replicate all aspects of optical sensitivity including optical design, camera selection and data reduction. The prototype design starts from the baseline design for the NGWS that was provided by the Arcetri group in 2013. The prototype project Kick-off Meeting was held on April 16th 2021 and is foreseen to reach completion 34 months later. A first set of performance tests will be performed locally in Arcetri and the final prototype performance verification will happen at UA laboratories after installation of the unit on the High Contrast AO test bench developed by the AO group of UA. This final verification is scheduled for the summer of 2023. The paper reports about the prototype development work summarizing results of numerical simulation that lead to the chosen opto-mechanical design, main features and challenges of optical design for the two sensing channels.
The Giant Magellan Telescope will be a 25.4-m visible and infrared telescope at Las Campanas Observatory. The optical design consists of 7 8.4-m primary mirror segments that reflect light to 7 secondary mirror segments in a doubly segmented direct Gregorian configuration. GMT is developing a Telescope Metrology System (TMS) to decrease the complexity of alignment and increase observatory efficiency. The TMS has been developed to Preliminary Design Review level. A prototyping, modelling, and analysis effort has been completed. All components of the system were matured, and the edge-sensing strategy was significantly revised. This paper describes the current TMS design.
The Wide Field Phasing Testbed will be used to test phasing and active optics systems planned for the doubly segmented Giant Magellan Telescope. The testbed consists of a set of optical relays in which are located segmented and deformable mirrors that represent the GMT M1 and M2 mirrors. The testbed output beam has the GMT’s f/8.16 focal ratio and has a back focal distance large enough to allow using a full-scale prototype of one unit of the Acquisition Guiding and Wavefront Sensing System. The testbed will reproduce the telescope field dependent aberrations that result from misalignment of M1 and M2. Over its 20mm diameter field of view, the testbed will generate aberrations corresponding to the 20′ field of the GMT. A rotating turbulence screen and zero-deviation prisms in the testbed will generate seeing limited images that correspond to typical atmospheric seeing and dispersion conditions expected at the GMT. The software for the testbed is designed to allow connection of the testbed wavefront sensing analysis components to simulations of the testbed optical system, as well as to conform to the planned software interfaces of the GMT’s telescope control system.
The optical axis of a Nasmyth telescope should be perpendicular to the Elevation axis and pass through the rotational center of the Tertiary mirror turret rotator. Realized by aligning a laser beam to the rotational center of the two field derotators. A high precision Pentaprism mounted on the Tertiary mirror rotator deviates the laser beam by 90° defining the optical axis onto which the Primary and Secondary mirrors are mounted and aligned. We present method, procedure, tools and results for two examples of Nasmyth Telescopes; the 4.1m SOAR and the LSST's 1.2m Auxiliary Telescope.
We describe the design and implementation of a fourth version of the TripleSpec near-infrared spectrograph (TSpec4). This version of the instrument was designed for and first implemented on the 4-m Blanco telescope on Cerro Tololo, and subsequently converted for use on the 4-m Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope on Cerro Pachon. Details of the changed opto-mechanical design and mounting arrangements are discussed. An updated data pipeline provides reduced spectra from the instrument. We describe the required modifications and the performance of both implementations of TSpec4.
The move from the Blanco to SOAR required changing from operation at a classical Cassegrain f/8 focus to operation at a Nasmyth f/16 focus. The SOAR mount also employs a rotator and required accommodation to a significantly different back-focal distance inside the instrument. These changes were implemented by modifying the instrument fore-optics which feeds light onto the slit at f/10.6. The spectrograph and slit viewer optics are unchanged. A dichroic reflects infrared light toward the instrument while passing visible light to a SOAR facility guider; this removes the shortest wavelengths from the spectra and in turn required modification of the data reduction pipeline.
As the telescopes have similar apertures, the performance of the instrument is similar on both, though on SOAR image quality is somewhat better and details of the instrument’s optical properties differ also. Flexure performance differs as well due to the different instrument locations.
The Giant Magellan Telescope will be a 25.4-m visible and infrared telescope at Las Campanas Observatory. The optical design consists of 7 8.4-m primary mirror segments that reflect light to 7 secondary mirror segments in a doubly-segmented direct Gregorian configuration. Each mirror pair must be coaligned and co-boresighted. During operations, the alignment of the optical components will deflect due to variations in temperature, gravity-induced structure flexure of the mount, and, on a scale relevant to phasing, vibrations. The doubly-segmented nature and size of the GMT will create a novel set of challenges for initial assembly, integration, and verification and maintaining high-precision alignment of the optical elements during operations. GMT is developing a Telescope Metrology System that uses 3D laser metrology systems to decrease the complexity of alignment and increase observatory efficiency. This paper discusses the 4 subsystems of TMS as well as their operational modes.
The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)1 is a 25 m telescope composed of seven 8.4 m “unit telescopes”, on a common mount. Each primary and conjugated secondary mirror segment will feed a common instrument interface, their focal planes co-aligned and co-phased. During telescope operation, the alignment of the optical components will deflect due to variations in thermal environment and gravity induced structural flexure of the mount. The ultimate co-alignment and co-phasing of the telescope is achieved by a combination of the Acquisition Guiding and Wavefront Sensing system (AGWS) and two segment-edge-sensing systems2. An analysis of the capture range of the AGWS indicates that it is unlikely that that system will operate efficiently or reliably with initial mirror positions provided by open-loop corrections alone3.
Since 2016 GMT have been developing a telescope metrology system, that is intended to close the gap between openloop modelling and AGWS operations. A prototyping campaign was initiated soon after receipt of laser metrology hardware in 2017. This campaign is being conducted in collaboration with the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory (LBTO), and hardware was first deployed on the LBT in August 2017. Since that time the system had been run and developed over some hundreds of hours on-sky. It has been shown to be capable of reliably measuring the relative positions of the main optics over ~ 10 m to a repeatability of ~ 1-2 microns RMS. This paper will describe the prototyping campaign to date, the basic design of the system, lessons learned and results achieved. It will conclude with a discussion of future prototyping efforts.
The linear Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector has been operating at the SOuthern Astrophysical Research telescope since 2014. It was designed and built in collaboration between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The device is installed in the elevation axis before the instruments mounted at the optical Nasmyth focus. It consists of two 300mm diameter sol-gel coated fused silica prisms, trombone mounted, which can be folded in or out of the beam. It is important for long slit spectroscopy, and essential for Multi-Object Slit spectroscopy. We present optical and mechanical designs, electronics and software control, and on-sky performance.
SAM (Soar Adaptive-optics Module), the SOAR (Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research) GLAO facility is in service since 2011, with a UV, 355nm Laser Guide Star (LGS). The atmospheric wavefront error is therefore measured at 355nm and the star images are corrected in the visible range (BVRI bands). An ADC is required for High Resolution imaging at low telescope elevation, especially at shorter wavelengths of the visible spectrum. The ADC is based on 80mm diameter rotating prisms. This compact unit, fully automated, can be inserted or removed from the tightly constrained SAM collimated beam space-envelope, it adjusts to the parallactic angle and corrects the atmospheric dispersion. Here we present the optical and opto-mechanical design, the control design, the operational strategy and performance results obtained from extensive use in on-sky HR Speckle Imaging.
In recent years the V. M. Blanco 4-m telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) has been renovated for use as a platform for a completely new suite of instruments: DECam, a 520-megapixel optical imager, COSMOS, a multi-object optical imaging spectrograph, and ARCoIRIS, a near-infrared imaging spectrograph. This has had considerable impact, both internally to CTIO and for its wider community of observers. In this paper, we report on the performance of the renovated facility, ongoing improvements, lessons learned during the deployment of the new instruments, how practical operations have adapted to them, unexpected phenomena and subsequent responses. We conclude by discussing the role for the Blanco telescope in the era of LSST and the new generation of extremely large telescopes.
TripleSpec 4 (TS4) is a near-infrared (0.8um to 2.45um) moderate resolution (R ~ 3200) cross-dispersed spectrograph
for the 4m Blanco Telescope that simultaneously measures the Y, J, H and K bands for objects reimaged
within its slit. TS4 is being built by Cornell University and NOAO with scheduled commissioning in 2015.
TS4 is a near replica of the previous TripleSpec designs for Apache Point Observatory's ARC 3.5m, Palomar
5m and Keck 10m telescopes, but includes adjustments and improvements to the slit, fore-optics, coatings and
the detector. We discuss the changes to the TripleSpec design as well as the fabrication status and expected
sensitivity of TS4.
In an inauspicious start to the ultimately very successful installation of the Dark Energy Camera on the V. M. Blanco 4- m telescope at CTIO, the light-weighted Cer-Vit 1.3-m-diameter secondary mirror suffered an accident in which it fell onto its apex. This punched out a central plug of glass and destroyed the focus and tip/tilt mechanism. However, the mirror proved fully recoverable, without degraded performance. This paper describes the efforts through which the mirror was repaired and the tip/tilt mechanism rebuilt and upgraded. The telescope re-entered full service as a Ritchey- Chrétien platform in October of 2013.
To substantially upgrade the Blanco telescope a new Dark Energy Camera (DECam)5 was developed. The Blanco telescope was commissioned in 1974 before the benefits of modern heavy instruments were foreseen. Consequently, the mass of DECam is greater than the original instrument payload. DECam was installed on the Blanco in 20121, 2. The telescope mount was rebalanced about the declination assembly by redesigning the Cassegrain cage to accommodate a significant increase in balancing mass. Finite element analysis was used to both determine the structural integrity of the new telescope configuration and to predict the effects of this added mass on the relative displacement between the primary and secondary mirrors. The counterweight system is described.
The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) has been installed on the V. M. Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. This major upgrade to the facility has required numerous modifications to the telescope and improvements in observatory infrastructure. The telescope prime focus assembly has been entirely replaced, and the f/8 secondary change procedure radically changed. The heavier instrument means that telescope balance has been significantly modified. The telescope control system has been upgraded. NOAO has established a data transport system to efficiently move DECam's output to the NCSA for processing. The observatory has integrated the DECam highpressure, two-phase cryogenic cooling system into its operations and converted the Coudé room into an environmentally-controlled instrument handling facility incorporating a high quality cleanroom. New procedures to
ensure the safety of personnel and equipment have been introduced.
The adaptive module of the 4-m SOAR telescope (SAM) has been tested on the sky by closing the loop on
natural stars. Then it was re-configured for operation with low-altitude Rayleigh laser guide star in early 2011.
We describe the performance of the SAM LGS system and various improvements made during one year of on-sky
tests. With acceptably small LGS spots of 1.6′′ the AO loop is robust and achieves a resolution gain of almost
two times in the I band, under suitable conditions. The best FWHM resolution so far is 0.25′′ over the 3′ field
of the CCD imager.
We present a progress report on the SOAR Adaptive Module, SAM, including some results of tests of the Natural
Guide Star mode: image correction in the visible, performance estimates, and experiments with lucky imaging.
We have tested methods to measure the seeing and the AO time constant from the loop data and compared
the results to those of the stand-alone site monitor. Measurements of the instrument throughput and telescope
vibrations are given. We report progress on the Laser Guide Star system implementation, including tests of the
UV laser, test of the beam transfer optics with polarization control. We present the designs of the laser launch
telescope and laser wavefront sensor.
The SOAR Adaptive Module (SAM) will compensate ground-layer atmospheric turbulence, improving image
resolution in the visible over a 3'x3' field and increasing light concentration for spectroscopy. Ground layer
compensation will be achieved by means of a UV (355nm) laser guide star (LGS), imaged at a nominal distance
of 10km from the telescope, coupled to a Shack-Hartmann wave front sensor (WFS) and a bimorph deformable
mirror. Unique features of SAM are: access to a collimated space for filters and ADC, two science foci, built-in
turbulence simulator, flexibility to operate at LGS distances of 7 to 14 km as well as with natural guide stars
(NGS), a novel APD-based two-arm tip-tilt guider, a laser launch telescope with active control on both pointing
and beam transfer. We describe the main features of the design, as well as operational aspects. The goal is to
produce a simple and reliable ground layer adaptive optics system. The main AO module is now in the integration
and testing stage; the real-time software, the WFS, and the tip-tilt guider prototype have been tested. SAM
commissioning in NGS mode is expected in 2009; the LGS mode will be completed in 2010.
The adaptive optics instrument for the SOAR 4.1-m telescope will
improve the spatial resolution by 2-3 times at visible wavelengths, over a field of 3 arcmin, by sensing and correcting low-altitude turbulence selectively. We will use a Rayleigh laser guide star to accomplish this. We present the laser guide star design with predictions of system performance based on real turbulence statistics and telescope properties, sky coverage and some opto-mechanical aspects of the AO module. Various design trade-offs are discussed.
We briefly describe the SOAR Optical Imager (SOI), the first light instrument for the 4.1m SOuthern Astronomical Research (SOAR) telescope now being commissioned on Cerro Pachón in the mountains of northern Chile. The SOI has a mini-mosaic of 2 2kx4k CCDs at its focal plane, a focal reducer camera, two filter cartridges, and a linear ADC. The instrument was designed to produce precision photometry and to fully exploit the expected superb image quality of the SOAR telescope over a 5.5x5.5 arcmin2 field with high throughput down to the atmospheric cut-off, and close reproduction of photometric pass-bands throughout 310-1050 nm. During early engineering runs in April 2004, we used the SOI to take images as part of the test program for the actively controlled primary mirror of the SOAR telescope, one of which we show in this paper. Taken just three months after the arrival of the optics in Chile, we show that the stellar images have the same diameter of 0.74" as the simultaneously measured seeing disk at the time of observation. We call our image "Engineering 1st Light" and in the near future expect to be able to produce images with diameters down to 0.3" in the R band over a 5.5' field during about 20% of the observing time, using the tip-tilt adaptive corrector we are implementing.
The SOAR Optical Imager (SOI) is the commissioning instrument for the 4.2-m SOAR telescope, which is sited on Cerro Pachón, and due for first light in April 2003. It is being built at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, and is one of a suite of first-light instruments being provided by the four SOAR partners (NOAO, Brazil, University of North Carolina, Michigan State University). The instrument is designed to produce precision photometry and to fully exploit the expected superb image quality of the SOAR telescope, over a 6x6 arcmin field. Design goals include maintaining high throughput down to the atmospheric cut-off, and close reproduction of photometric passbands throughout 310-1050nm. The focal plane consists of a two-CCD mosaic of 2Kx4K Lincoln Labs CCDs, following an atmospheric dispersion corrector, focal reducer, and tip-tilt sensor. Control and data handling are within the LabVIEW-Linux environment used throughout the SOAR Project.
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