Dr. Shenglai Zhen
at Anhui Univ
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (14)

Proceedings Article | 26 January 2021 Paper
Qianjing Xiong, Wenli Peng, Jian Fang, Benli Yu, Shenglai Zhen
Proceedings Volume 11767, 117670N (2021) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2592357

Proceedings Article | 20 November 2019 Paper
Zixiang Zhuang, Guosheng Zhang, Yan Wang, Wenyu Du, Weidong Luo, Zhigang Cao, Jiping Lin, Jun Zhu, Shenglai Zhen, Benli Yu
Proceedings Volume 11191, 111910Y (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2537304
KEYWORDS: Temperature sensors, Quantum dots, Luminescence, Inkjet technology, Printing, Fiber optics sensors, Ultraviolet radiation, Temperature metrology, Sensors, Spatial resolution

Proceedings Article | 24 July 2018 Paper
Proceedings Volume 10827, 108273E (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2327134
KEYWORDS: Demodulation, Interferometry, Distortion, Sensors, Interferometers, Phase shifts, Signal to noise ratio, Homodyne detection, Phase modulation

Proceedings Article | 10 January 2018 Paper
Xinxin Li, Kai Qian, Xuqiang Wu, Shenglai Zhen, Shidong Li, Da Qiu, Xiaojie Dong, Benli Yu, Li Zhan
Proceedings Volume 10618, 106180Z (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2300534
KEYWORDS: Fiber Bragg gratings, Slow light, Phase shifts, Sensors, Phase measurement, Interferometers, Active remote sensing, Ferroelectric materials, Active sensors, Tunable lasers

Proceedings Article | 10 February 2017 Paper
Proceedings Volume 10250, 102501E (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2266823

Showing 5 of 14 publications
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