Silicon-on-insulator and silicon nitride (Si3N4) are powerful integration platforms for photonic circuits, offering cost-efficient mass production at high yield. However, both material systems lack important optical properties such as strong electro-optic effects and the ability to efficiently emit light that are indispensable for realizing advanced on-chip systems. These deficiencies can be overcome by combining passive silicon or Si3N4 waveguides with functional organic cladding materials in a hybrid approach. In this talk, we briefly summarize our work on hybrid electro-optic modulators and then focus on low-cost silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) and Si3N4-organic hybrid (SiNOH) lasers. These devices can be efficiently realized by depositing light-emitting cladding materials onto pre-processed waveguide structures. SOH and SiNOH lasers can address both near-infrared and visible wavelengths and may open an attractive path towards low-cost biosensors for point-of-care diagnostics.
Nanophotonic modulators and photodetectors are key building blocks for high-speed optical interconnects in datacom and telecom networks. Besides power efficiency and high electro-optic bandwidth, ultra-compact footprint and scalable co-integration with electronic circuitry are indispensable for highly scalable communication systems. In this paper, we give an overview on our recent progress in exploring nanophotonic modulators and photodetectors that combine the specific strengths of silicon photonic and plasmonic device concepts with hybrid integration approaches. Our work comprises electro-optic modulators that exploit silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) and plasmonic-organic hybrid (POH) integration to enable unprecedented energy efficiency and transmission speed, as well as waveguide-based plasmonic internal photo-emission detectors (PIPED) with record-high sensitivities and bandwidths.
Chip-scale frequency comb sources are key elements for a variety of applications, comprising massively parallel optical communications and high-precision optical metrology. In this talk, we give an overview on our recent progress in the area of integrated optical comb generators and of the associated applications. Our experiments cover modulator-based comb sources, injection locking of gain-switched laser diodes, quantum-dash mode-locked lasers, as well as Kerr comb sources based on cavity solitons. We evaluate and compare the performance of these devices as optical sources for massively parallel wavelength division multiplexing at multi-terabit/s data rates, and we report on comb-based approaches for high-precision distance metrology.
We introduce ABC laminate metamaterials composed of layers of three different dielectrics. Each layer has zero bulk second-order optical nonlinearity, yet centro-symmetry is broken locally at each inner interface. To achieve appreciable effective bulk metamaterial second-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities, we densely pack many inner surfaces to a stack of atomically thin layers grown by conformal atomic-layer deposition. For the ABC stack, centro-symmetry is also broken macroscopically. Our experimental results for excitation at around 800 nm wavelength indicate interesting application perspectives for frequency conversion or electro-optic modulation in silicon photonics.
M. Lauermann, S. Wolf, R. Palmer, S. Koeber, P. Schindler, T. Wahlbrink, J. Bolten, A. Giesecke, M. Koenigsmann, M. Kohler, D. Malsam, D. Elder, L. Dalton, J. Leuthold, W. Freude, C. Koos
We demonstrate silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulators for generating advanced modulation formats at high data rates and with low energy consumption. SOH integration combines slot waveguides on conventional silicon-on-insulator substrates with highly efficient electro-optic materials. With this approach we generate 16QAM signals at symbol rates of 28 GBd and 40 GBd leading to gross data rates (net data rates) of up to 160 Gbit/s (133 Gbit/s) for a single polarization. This is the highest value achieved by a silicon-based modulator up to now. With a maximum symbol rate of 28 GBd, low drive voltages of only 0.6 Vpp are sufficient and result in a record-low energy consumption of only 19 fJ/bit. This is the lowest energy consumption that has so far been reported for a 16QAM modulator at 28 GBd.
Christian Koos, Tobias Kippenberg, Liam Barry, Larry Dalton, Wolfgang Freude, Juerg Leuthold, Joerg Pfeifle, Claudius Weimann, Matthias Lauermann, Juned Kemal, Robert Palmer, Sebastian Koeber, Philipp Schindler, Tobias Herr, Victor Brasch, Regan Watts, Delwin Elder
High-speed optical interconnects rely on advanced wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) schemes. However, while photonic-electronic interfaces can be efficiently realized on silicon-on-insulator chips, dense integration of the necessary light sources still represents a major challenge. Chip-scale frequency comb sources present an attractive alternative for providing a multitude of optical carriers for WDM transmission. In this paper, we give an overview of our recent progress towards terabit communications with chip-scale frequency comb sources. In a first set of experiments, we demonstrate frequency comb generation based on silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) electro-optic modulators, enabling line rates up to 1.152 Tbit/s. In a second set of experiments, we use injection locking of a gain-switched laser diode to enerate frequency combs. This approach leads to line rates of more than 2 Tbit/s. A third set of experiments is finally dedicated to using Kerr nonlinearities in integrated nonlinear microcavities for frequency comb generation. We demonstrate coherent communication using Kerr frequency comb sources, thereby achieving line rates up to 1.44 Tbit/s. Our experiments show that frequency comb generation in chip-scale devices represents a viable approach to terabit communications.
Photonic wire bonding exploits three-dimensional (3D) two-photon lithography to fabricate single-mode connections between nanophotonic circuits that are located on different chips. The shape of the photonic wire bonds can be adjusted to the positions of the chips such that high-precision alignment becomes obsolete. The technique enables photonic multi-chip modules that combine the strengths of different optical integration platforms.
Pulse-shaping is a powerful tool to increase the spectral efficiency of signals transmitted over optical fiber. Two main contenders, namely OFDM and Nyquist signaling have emerged as promising candidates for future optical networks. As a third option, DFT-spread OFDM combines the two techniques. Although all techniques are well-known in wireless and wireline communications, the extremely high data rates are challenging when designing real-time optical transmitters and receivers, particularly in view of the special impairments imposed by the optical transmission channel. After giving a theoretical overview on OFDM and Nyquist signals, we show the system design for the three pulse-shaping techniques and discuss the processing requirements and the potential performance in terms of spectral efficiency and out-of-band signal suppression. We further investigate the impact of modulator nonlinearity and limited resolution of DACs and ADCs on the different signals. Finally, we demonstrate real-time OFDM and Nyquist pulse generation with data rates beyond 100 Gbit/s transmitted on a single optical carrier and in a single polarization.
L. Alloatti, D. Korn, J. Pfeifle, R. Palmer, S. Koeber, M. Baier, R. Schmogrow, Sebastian Diebold, P. Pahl, T. Zwick, H. Yu, W. Bogaerts, R. Baets, M. Fournier, J. Fedeli, R. Dinu, C. Koos, W. Freude, J. Leuthold
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) devices combine silicon waveguides with a number of specialized materials, ranging from
third-order optically-nonlinear molecules to second-order nonlinear polymers and liquid-crystals. Second-order nonlinear
materials allow building high-speed and low-voltage electro-optic modulators, which are key components for future
silicon-based photonics transceivers. We report on a 90 GHz bandwidth phase modulator, and on a 56 Gbit/s QPSK
experiment using an IQ Pockels effect modulator. By using liquid-crystal claddings instead, we show experimentally that
phase shifters with record-low power consumption and ultra-low voltage-length product of VπL = 0.06 Vmm. Secondorder
nonlinear materials, moreover, allow creating nonlinear waveguides for sum- or difference-frequency generation,
and for lowest-noise optical parametric amplification. These processes are exploited for a large variety of applications,
like in the emerging field of on-chip generation of mid-IR wavelengths, where pump powers are significantly smaller
compared to equivalent devices using third-order nonlinear materials. In this work, we present the first SOH waveguide
design suited for second-order nonlinear processes. We predict for our device an amplification of 14 dB/cm assuming a
conservative χ(2)-nonlinearity of 230 pm/V and a CW pump power as low as 20 dBm.
Photonic integration has witnessed tremendous progress over the last years, and chip-scale transceiver systems with terabit/s data rates have come into reach. However, as on-chip integration density increases, a technological breakthrough is considered indispensable to cope with the associated off-chip connectivity challenges. Here we report on the concept of photonic wire bonding, where transparent waveguide wire bonds are used to bridge the gap between nanophotonic circuits located on different chips. We demonstrate fabrication of three-dimensional freeform photonic wire bonds, and we experimentally confirm their viability for broadband low-loss coupling and multi-terabit/s data transmission.
Terabit/s interconnects rely on advanced wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) schemes. However, while efficient photonic-electronic interfaces can be efficiently realized on silicon-on-insulator chips, dense integration of WDM laser sources still represents a major challenge. Chip-scale frequency comb sources are an attractive alternative for providing optical carriers for WDM transmission. In this paper we give an overview on our recent work towards terabit/s data transmission using optical frequency combs. We demonstrate transmission of a 32.5 Tbit/s data stream using a modelocked solid-state laser as an optical source. Our current experiments aim at transmission schemes that exploit Kerr nonlinearities in high-Q microresonators for frequency comb generation.
We present our studies on slot waveguides clad with atomic layer deposition (ALD). We show reduction of propagation
loss in silicon slot waveguides. With an ALD grown titania thin film cladding, propagation loss as low as 7 dB/cm for a
deep-UV patterned slot waveguide is achieved.
Wolfgang Freude, René Schmogrow, David Hillerkuss, Joachim Meyer, Michael Dreschmann, Bernd Nebendahl, Michael Huebner, Juergen Becker, Christian Koos, Juerg Leuthold
KEYWORDS: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, Transmitters, Modulation, Receivers, Field programmable gate arrays, Digital signal processing, Signal processing, Surface plasmons, Forward error correction, Binary data
Recent advances in electronic data processing allow constructing reconfigurable optical transmitters and receivers, where
modulation formats and symbol rates are set by software-controlled field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). We report
on such a real-time optical transmitter for 8 modulation formats, which can be swapped in 5 ns without data loss. With
single-polarization 64QAM symbols generated at 28 GBd, we transmit data at 168 Gbit/s in real time. A similar arrangement
defines a single-polarization orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmitter for a data rate
of 101.5 Gbit/s, where 58 subcarriers are encoded with 16QAM data. With a different software setup, the FPGA realizes
an optical 56 Gbit/s transmitter for sinc-shaped so-called Nyquist pulses, the spectrum of which is rectangular having the
minimum theoretically achievable bandwidth (suitable for Nyquist wavelength division multiplexing, N-WDM). For
terabit OFDM reception, optical pre-processing is required to demultiplex high-bitrate signals down to lower-bitrate tributaries,
which then can be processed electronically. We discuss a 10.8 Tbit/s (26 Tbit/s) receiver employing an all-optical
fast Fourier transform to demultiplex 75 (325) optical subcarriers modulated with 16QAM-formated symbols at a
rate of 18 GBd (10 GBd). Groups with any number of subcarriers can be selected with a simple hardware reconfiguration
Semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) can be used as linear in-line amplifiers for extended-reach passive optical
networks, or as gain/phase-switchable devices. For these applications, gain, bandwidth and saturation power are
important. The saturation power can be increased by decreasing the confinement factor and by increasing the length such
that the overall gain remains constant. In this paper we investigate the saturation characteristics of 1.55μm InGaAsP-InP
bulk SOA. We do so by using the physically based simulation tool ATLAS.
The simulation tool ATLAS supports simulation of semiconductor lasers only, however making the mirror reflectivities
small, the lasing threshold is increased such that lasers are essentially reduced to amplifiers. Next, for investigating the
saturation characteristics of SOA, the amplifier gain should be influenced by injecting an optical light power. However,
ATLAS cannot simulate the required source directly. Instead, we use in the electron rate equation simultaneously two
competing independent models for spontaneous radiative recombination, namely the so-called general model (total
recombination rate BnT p with bimolecular recombination coefficient B, electron and hole concentrations nT and p) and
the standard model for recombination due to amplified spontaneous emission into the mode under consideration
(determined by the product of Fermi functions for electrons and holes). In the photon rate equation, only the standard
model is used. We then increase B, and thus simulate a decrease of the carrier concentration that would physically result
from an external optical signal. We show that under conditions of constant injection current and device length an n-doping
(p-doping) of the active layer increases (decreases) the input saturation power. In addition we observe that for
constant injection current and amplifier gain, a p-doping (n-doping) of the active layer increases (decreases) both the
input and output saturation powers because of an reduced (slightly increased) Auger-dominated carrier lifetime.
J. Leuthold, R. Bonk, P. Vorreau, S. Sygletos, D. Hillerkuss, W. Freude, G. Zarris, D. Simeonidou, C. Kouloumentas, M. Spyropoulou, I. Tomkos, F. Parmigiani, P. Petropoulos, D. Richardson, R. Weerasuriya, S. Ibrahim, A. Ellis, R. Morais, P. Monteiro, S. Ben Ezra, S. Tsadka
A regenerative optical grooming switch for interconnecting 100 Gbit/s networks with lower bit-rate networks and
switching functionality in time, space and wavelength domain is demonstrated. Lab and field demonstrations show the
feasibility of the new concept. Q-factors above 20 dB are reported.
All-optical wavelength converters (AOWCs) based on nonlinear processes of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) have attracted interest to overcome the wavelength blocking issues in future transparent networks. While many schemes work well, pattern effect impairments that are due to the finite lifetime of charge carriers are an issue most of the time. Recently, wavelength conversion and pattern effect mitigation techniques that work by properly shaping the passband of filters following the converter have been introduced. However, due to the necessity of selecting filter slope and position precisely, one would expect that the schemes are extremely sensitive to any drift of the center wavelength. In this work, we demonstrate a 40 Gbit/s SOA-based wavelength converter with more than 15 dB dynamic input power range. In addition, the center wavelength of the converted signal has a tolerance of ~0.2 nm towards the red spectral region and of ~0.1nm towards blue spectral region, respectively. This success is due to combining advantageously pattern effect mitigation techniques connected to the pulse reformatting optical filter, the red-shift and the blue-shift optical filter.
Wavelength converters for phase sensitive modulation formats based on semiconductor optical amplifiers
are discussed. Advantages and limits are discussed based on an actual implementation.
KEYWORDS: Antennas, Phased array optics, Near field optics, Modulation, Microwave photonics, Optical networks, Microwave radiation, Dielectrics, Optical arrays, Near field
The concept of a sending-mode patch antenna array with an optical feeder and beamforming network is discussed. We describe the design of the patch antennas, and we present measured results for the impedance, the far- and the near- fields. Data for an integrated photoreceiver are given. Finally, we review some essential aspects of optical beamforming networks.
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