Presentation + Paper
14 March 2023 In vivo multiphoton multiparametric 3D quantification of human skin aging on forearm and face
Ana-Maria Pena, Thérèse Baldeweck, Etienne Decencière, Serge Koudoro, Steeve Victorin, Edouard Raynaud, Blandine Ngo, Philippe Bastien, Sébastien Brizion, Emmanuelle Tancrède-Bohin
Author Affiliations +

Quantifying skin aging changes and characterizing its 3D structure and function in a non-invasive way is still a challenging area of research. In vivo multiphoton imaging offers means to assess skin constituents in 3D, however prior aging studies mostly focused on 2D analyses of dermal fibers through their signals’ intensities or densities.

We designed and implemented multiphoton multiparametric 3D quantification tools for in vivo human skin characterization. Despite the limited field of view of the technic, investigation of 2 regions of interest (ROIs) per zone per volunteer were found to be a good compromise in assessing 3D skin constituents in both epidermis and superficial dermis.

Skin aging was characterized on different UV exposed areas - ventral and dorsal forearms, face. Epidermal morphological changes occur late and were only objectified between extreme age groups. Melanin accumulated with age and chronic exposure on both forearms and appears earlier. Superficial dermal changes were mainly elastin density increase, also structurally modified from thin and straight fibers in young to dense and compact pattern in elder, and no obvious change in collagen density, both reflected by SHGto2PEF ratio and SAAID index decrease and ImbrN index increase. The second 20 μm-thickness normalized dermal sub-layer exhibited the highest aging differences. The 3D ImbrN index refines the share of photoaging in global aging on face and the 3D SAAID index on forearm.

Multiphoton multiparametric 3D skin quantification offers rich spatial information of interest in assessing normal human skin condition and its pathological, external environment or product induced changes.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ana-Maria Pena, Thérèse Baldeweck, Etienne Decencière, Serge Koudoro, Steeve Victorin, Edouard Raynaud, Blandine Ngo, Philippe Bastien, Sébastien Brizion, and Emmanuelle Tancrède-Bohin "In vivo multiphoton multiparametric 3D quantification of human skin aging on forearm and face", Proc. SPIE 12352, Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2023, 1235205 (14 March 2023);
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3D image processing

In vivo imaging


Image segmentation

Second harmonic generation

Multiphoton microscopy

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