Virgil Udrea, Mihaela Stoica, Irina Buica, Catalin Flacau, Anne-Marie Pointu, Mihai Ganciu, Dan Penache, I. Iovitz Popescu
Optical Engineering, Vol. 35, Issue 05, (May 1996)
TOPICS: Electron beams, Plasmas, Electrodes, Pulsed laser operation, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Switches, Power supplies, Laser applications, Quartz, Nitrogen
We report on the construction and study of a high-repetitionrate
double-discharge electron beam generator. A synergetic superposition
of a pulsed discharge on a continuous one is used to generate an
intense electron beam (tens of kilo-electron-volts and hundreds of amperes)
that might be used as a useful and inexpensive tool for many
applications such as laser generation, x-ray generation, photochemistry,
material deposition, and others. To increase the average power the repetition
rate is increased in different discharge configurations. Two types
of high-voltage switches are used: an electromechanical switch working
up to 100 Hz and a thyratron-based switch operating up to 10 kHz. A limit
of 714 Hz is found for generator operation at 0.1 l/min flow speed and
pulse voltage of about 12 kV in air.