Proceedings Article | 19 May 2020
KEYWORDS: Synthetic aperture radar, Device simulation, Computer simulations, Antennas, Ray tracing, Reconstruction algorithms, 3D modeling, MATLAB, Backscatter, Signal processing
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a critical sensing technology that is notably independent of the sensorto- target distance and has numerous cross-cutting applications, e.g., target recognition, mapping, surveillance, oceanography, geology, forestry (biomass, deforestation), disaster monitoring (volcano eruptions, oil spills, ooding), and infrastructure tracking (urban growth, structure mapping). SAR uses a high-power antenna to illuminate target locations with electromagnetic radiation, e.g., 10GHz radio waves, and illuminated surface backscatter is sensed by the antenna which is then used to generate images of structures. Real SAR data is difficult and costly to produce and, for research, lacks a reliable source ground truth. Few SAR software simulators are available and even less are open source and can be validated. This article proposes a open source SAR simulator to compute phase histories for arbitrary 3D scenes using newly available ray-tracing hardware made available commercially through the NVIDIA's RTX graphics cards series. The OptiX GPU ray tracing library for NVIDIA GPUs is used to calculate SAR phase histories at unprecedented computational speeds. The simulation results are validated against existing SAR simulation code for spotlight SAR illumination of point targets. The computational performance of this approach provides orders of magnitude speed increases over CPU simulation. An additional order of magnitude of GPU acceleration when simulations are run on RTX GPUs which include hardware specifically to accelerate OptiX ray tracing. The article describes the OptiX simulator structure, processing framework and calculations that afford execution on massively parallel GPU computation device. The shortcoming of the OptiX library's restriction to single precision oat representation is discussed and modifications of sensitive calculations are proposed to reduce truncation error thereby increasing the simulation accuracy under this constraint.