OBJECTIVES: 1) Fabricate lung tissue phantoms that mimic structural and optical properties of central and segmental airways for 1310 ± 50 nm endoscopic OCT. 2) Simulate vascular flow to characterize angiography. 3) Produce a robust and cost-effective alternative to ex vivo tissue.
METHODS: An agar matrix is mixed with intralipid and coconut oil to achieve tissue-like absorption and scattering properties. A partitioned 3D printed mould is used to mimic airway geometry and embedded tubing is used to simulate vasculature. Fluid-flow is visualized with inter-A-line speckle decorrelation methods. Phantom optical performance is qualitatively and quantitatively compared against segmental airways in previous in vivo human studies using the same imaging system.
RESULTS: Images of common bronchial structures (eg: ducts, airway branches) reproduced in the phantoms qualitatively resemble similar structures in vivo (lung airway LB9) in OCT. Airway epithelial thickening indicative of dysplastic progression in vivo is re-created in the phantoms. Depth resolved attenuation coefficients are calculated and plotted for images collected on the same system, quantitatively characterizing replication. Live vasculature is mimicked using intralipid flow and visualized.
A fiber-based endoscopic imaging system combining narrowband red-green-blue (RGB) reflectance with optical coherence tomography (OCT) and autofluorescence imaging (AFI) has been developed. The system uses a submillimeter diameter rotary-pullback double-clad fiber imaging catheter for sample illumination and detection. The imaging capabilities of each modality are presented and demonstrated with images of a multicolored card, fingerprints, and tongue mucosa. Broadband imaging, which was done to compare with narrowband sources, revealed better contrast but worse color consistency compared with narrowband RGB reflectance. The measured resolution of the endoscopic system is 25 μm in both the rotary direction and the pullback direction. OCT can be performed simultaneously with either narrowband RGB reflectance imaging or AFI.
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