Weilin "Will" Hou is with the Office of Naval Research Global, supports and manages international research programs on various topics, especially those related to ocean sensing, C4ISR, autonomy and platforms. He developed and chairs the annual SPIE Ocean Sensing and Monitoring conference since 2008, and teaches a short course on the related topics.
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Effects of actuated boundaries on Tollmien-Schlichting waves and developed boundary layer turbulence
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This course covers basic principles and applications of optical oceanography. The course is aimed to provide background information for those interested in exploring processes involving the ocean using optical techniques, including sensing and monitoring via remotely (passive and active), as well as traditional in situ measurement and sampling approaches. A brief introduction of oceanography will be given, followed by ocean optics principles include scattering by both particles and optical turbulence, polarization and impacts on underwater imaging and communication, through theoretical frame work and examples. Typical sensors and platforms including unmanned underwater vehicles are introduced. Topics associated with data collection, processing, analysis, fusion and assimilation to ocean models are also discussed. This course can also be used as a refresher for recent advances in related areas. This course helps to understand apply to research and development efforts relevant to the maritime environment, in such issues as sea surface temperature sensing, underwater imaging, and remote sensing including water quality monitoring related to biological activities or extreme events, for example.
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