Prof. Barry R. Masters
Visiting Scientist
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Editor
Area of Expertise:
Biomedical Optics , Biomedical Imaging , Biomedical Ethics , Responsible Conduct of Research
Profile Summary

Professor Barry R. Masters received a PhD Degree from The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, an MS Degree from The Florida State University, Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Tallahassee, Florida, and a BS Degree from The Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York. Professor Masters is a Visiting Scientist, in the Department of Biological Engineering, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was formerly a Professor in Anatomy and Cell Biology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. From 1999 to 2000 Professor Masters was a AAAS Congressional Science & Engineering Fellow and served as a Legislative Assistant in the United States Congress. He was a Visiting Scholar in the History of Science Department at Harvard University. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Optical Society of America (OSA), the SPIE. He is a Recipient of The Vogt Prize for Ophthalmic Research (Highest Swiss Award for Research in Ophthalmology) with Dr. Böhnke in 1999 for their work on: "Confocal Microscopy of the Cornea.” Professor Masters has published 87 refereed research papers and 142 book chapters and proceedings articles. He is the editor or author of ten books: Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques in Ophthalmology; Medical Optical Tomography: Functional Imaging and Monitoring; Selected Papers on Confocal Microscopy; Selected Papers on Optical Low-Coherence Reflectometry and Tomography; Selected Papers on Multiphoton Excitation Microscopy; and Confocal Microscopy and Multiphoton Excitation Microscopy: the Genesis of Live Cell Imaging, Handbook of Biomedical Nonlinear Optical Microscopy (with Peter So). He is currently writing a new book to be published by Springer Nature: Superresolution Optical Microscopy. He wrote the essay WHAT IS LIGHT? for the International Commission for Optics (ICO), to inaugurate the YEAR OF LIGHT 2015, open access, (in various languages)
Publications (82)

SPIE Journal Paper | 22 January 2015 Open Access
JBO, Vol. 20, Issue 01, 019901, (January 2015)
KEYWORDS: Super resolution, Microscopy, Super resolution microscopy, Optical microscopy, Microscopes, Optical microscopes, Optical resolution, Diffraction, Image resolution, Luminescence

SPIE Journal Paper | 8 October 2014 Open Access
JBO, Vol. 19, Issue 10, 109901, (October 2014)
KEYWORDS: Luminescence, Imaging spectroscopy, Tissues, Spectroscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy, In vivo imaging, Biomedical optics, Spectroscopes, Diagnostics, Absorption

SPIE Journal Paper | 19 June 2014 Open Access
JBO, Vol. 19, Issue 07, 079901, (June 2014)
KEYWORDS: Eye, Ophthalmology, Biomedical optics, Physics, Optical components, Medical devices, Medical device development, Optical coherence tomography, Laser applications, Retina

SPIE Journal Paper | 31 March 2014 Open Access
JBO, Vol. 19, Issue 04, 049901, (March 2014)
KEYWORDS: Microscopes, Microscopy, Luminescence, Physics, Image analysis, In vivo imaging, Optical microscopy, Light sources, Medicine, Neurons

SPIE Journal Paper | 2 August 2013 Open Access
JBO, Vol. 18, Issue 08, 089901, (August 2013)
KEYWORDS: Biophysics, In vivo imaging, Complex systems, In vitro testing, Fluorescence resonance energy transfer, Interdisciplinary fields, Physics, Life sciences, Fluorescent proteins, Resonance energy transfer

Showing 5 of 82 publications
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